Dynamic filenames with the new staging directory system


I am working on updating a privately maintained port. As part of the Makefile pre-install target, a python whoosh index is created and installed. py-whoosh seems to use a randomly generated filename when creating its index. As such, I can't include one of the needed files in my pkg-plist.

Under the new staging system, there seems to be no way to recursively copy a directory. I also tried to use an @exec line to recursively copy the directory, but there seems to be no way to access the STAGEDIR in an @exec. It seems that @exec is only intended to operate on files after they've been installed, based on the %F, %D, %B and %f sequences documented at https://www.freebsd.org/doc/en_US.I.../plist-keywords.html#plist-keywords-base-exec

I ended up creating a tar file of the directory I wanted to install in the pre-install target, including the tar file in the pkg-plist, and the untaring the tar file with an @exec line in the pkg-plist. This feels like a hack though.

Please let me know if there is a way to include dynamically named files in a pkg-plist that I have missed.

Would the autoplist keyword be useful? See /usr/ports/Mk/Uses/python.mk and probably some Python ports for examples.
autoplist - Automatically generates the packaging list for a port that uses distutils when defined. requires: distutils