dump/restore failures - help!

I used dump to make some snapshots of my filesystems (/usr, /var, and /, individually).

Dump went OK with no errors or warnings. Restore, however, is a different story. I made a log as I was doing it. It starts out OK, but quickly goes badly.

Here's how it starts:
$ cat restore_rvf | head -n 20
Script started on Fri Jan 30 09:01:46 2009
[root@relnor /mnt/freebsd/usr]# bzcat /mnt/usb/Backup/usr.ar0s1f.dump- | restore -rvf -
Verify tape and initialize maps
Dump   date: Sun Jan 18 19:33:54 2009
Dumped from: the epoch
Level 0 dump of /usr on relnor.com:/dev/ar0s1f
Label: none
Begin level 0 restore
Initialize symbol table.
Extract directories from tape
Calculate extraction list.
warning: ./.snap: File exists
Make node ./bin
Make node ./include
Make node ./include/altq
Make node ./include/arpa
Make node ./include/bsm
Make node ./include/bsnmp
Make node ./include/c++
Make node ./include/c++/3.4
But then...
$ cat restore_rvf | tail -n 20
warning: cannot create hard link ./sbin/idprio->./sbin/rtprio: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./sbin/swapinfo->./sbin/pstat: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./sbin/setfsmac->./sbin/setfmac: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./sbin/watchdog->./sbin/watchdogd: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./compat/linux/usr/libexec/getconf/POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFFBIG->./compat/linux/usr/libexec/getconf/POSIX_V6_ILP32_OFF32: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./compat/linux/usr/sbin/iconvconfig.i386->./compat/linux/usr/sbin/iconvconfig: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./compat/linux/usr/share/locale/af/LC_TIME/coreutils.mo->./compat/linux/usr/share/locale/af/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./compat/linux/usr/share/locale/be/LC_TIME/coreutils.mo->./compat/linux/usr/share/locale/be/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./compat/linux/usr/share/locale/bg/LC_TIME/coreutils.mo->./compat/linux/usr/share/locale/bg/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./compat/linux/usr/share/locale/da/LC_TIME/coreutils.mo->./compat/linux/usr/share/locale/da/LC_MESSAGES/coreutils.mo: No such file or directory
Set directory mode, owner, and times.
Check the symbol table.
bad entry: incomplete operations
name: ./jails/ports/boot/boot
parent name ./jails/ports/boot
sibling name: ./jails/ports/boot/boot0sio
entry type: LEAF
inode number: 400862
flags: NEW
abort? [yn]
In the middle, I see:
extract file ./jails/ports/boot/boot0sio
extract file ./jails/ports/bin/echo
extract file ./jails/ports/bin/ps

bzcat: I/O or other error, bailing out.  Possible reason follows.
bzcat: No such file or directory
	Input file = /mnt/usb/Backup/usr.ar0s1f.dump-, output file = (stdout)
extract file ./jails/ports/bin/ed
End-of-tape encountered
Warning: End-of-input encountered while extracting ./jails/ports/bin/ed
Add links
Create hard link ./jails/ports/bin/tcsh->./jails/ports/bin/csh
Create hard link ./jails/ports/bin/red->./jails/ports/bin/ed
warning: cannot create hard link ./jails/ports/bin/link->./jails/ports/bin/ln: No such file or directory
warning: cannot create hard link ./jails/ports/bin/unlink->./jails/ports/bin/rm: No such file or directory
Can someone please help with this? This has some pretty critical data in it...
Thank you for your reply, however, I did use the -L flag -- and the issue below is with restore, not dump. As stated, dump completed with no errors or warnings.
Yes, tmp was mounted, however it may have filled up--I didn't check that. Thanks for the tip, I'll try it again tonight after work.
Sadly, using a much larger /tmp did not help -- died in the same place, and /tmp is nowhere near full :(
Filesystem     Size    Used   Avail Capacity  Mounted on
/dev/ad8s1a    496M    222M    234M    49%    /
devfs          1.0K    1.0K      0B   100%    /dev
/dev/ad8s1e    496M     35M    421M     8%    /tmp
/dev/ad8s1f     95G    1.5G     86G     2%    /usr
/dev/ad8s1d    4.6G     90M    4.1G     2%    /var
you can try to browse dump in interactive mode.
and then try to extract specific files just to see if dump itself isn't corrupted.
I can't figure any more reasons for this behavior.
dump/restore never failed me.

what keys did you use when you did dump [if you remember], and what keys did you use when you did restore [should be -rf file.dump ]
killasmurf86 said:
you can try to browse dump in interactive mode.
and then try to extract specific files just to see if dump itself isn't corrupted.
I can't figure any more reasons for this behavior.
dump/restore never failed me.

what keys did you use when you did dump [if you remember], and what keys did you use when you did restore [should be -rf file.dump ]
From memory, I believe it was dump -0Lauf. for the restore it was bzcat | restore -rvf -
Thanks for the tip about interactive mode. I will try this soon and post the results.
# bunzip2 -vk usr.ar0s1f.dump- /mnt/500-1/
bunzip2: Compressed file ends unexpectedly;
        perhaps it is corrupted?  *Possible* reason follows.
bunzip2: No such file or directory
        Input file = usr.ar0s1f.dump-, output file = usr.ar0s1f.dump-

It is possible that the compressed file(s) have become corrupted.
You can use the -tvv option to test integrity of such files.

You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.

bunzip2: Deleting output file usr.ar0s1f.dump-, if it exists.
bunzip2: WARNING: some files have not been processed:
bunzip2:    2 specified on command line, 1 not processed yet.
Tried bzip2 -tvv:
# head bzip2-tvv
Script started on Sun Feb  1 05:29:10 2009
[root@/mnt/500-1]# bunzip2 -tvv usr.ar0s1f.dump-
    [1: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [2: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [3: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [4: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [5: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [6: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [7: huff+mtf rt+rld]
And everything goes smoothly, until...
# tail -n 15 bzip2-tvv
    [8292: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [8293: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [8294: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [8295: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [8296: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [8297: huff+mtf rt+rld]
    [8298: huff+mtf file ends unexpectedly

You can use the `bzip2recover' program to attempt to recover
data from undamaged sections of corrupted files.
# head bzip2recover
Script started on Sun Feb  1 05:50:18 2009
[root@/mnt/500-1]# bzip2recover usr.ar0s1f.dump-
bzip2recover 1.0.5: extracts blocks from damaged .bz2 files.
bzip2recover: searching for block boundaries ...
   block 1 runs from 80 to 2014759
   block 2 runs from 2014808 to 4801156
   block 3 runs from 4801205 to 8167105
   block 4 runs from 8167154 to 9949736
   block 5 runs from 9949785 to 12383266
   block 6 runs from 12383315 to 14804450
And then...
# tail bzip2recover
   block 8294 runs from 777289756 to 784451678
   block 8295 runs from 784451727 to 791559947
   block 8296 runs from 791559996 to 798702126
   block 8297 runs from 798702175 to 805860076
bzip2recover: I/O error reading `usr.ar0s1f.dump-', possible reason follows.
bzip2recover: No such file or directory
bzip2recover: warning: output file(s) may be incomplete.

There is a bug in 1 (or more) of the following FreeBSD items:
bzip2, fuse/ntfs driver, or the USB driver.

I was able to successfully use 7zip on Windows Vista to extract the .dump file from the .bz2, and transfer it via samba to the FreeBSD machine, and restore the disk.

First time Windows has ever done something right that FreeBSD couldn't!
First time for everything, I guess.