Average/in-frequent FreeBSD user here. Long time forum user, and the forum has really helped me learn a lot.
Currently compiling FreeBSD-current on my laptop and I love it
I am aware of the existence and have dabbled in the past with the various FreeBSD derived systems out there.
I am also aware of the various other boot loader alternatives such as rEFInd
This is my first post, and as such am not sure if I am posting this in the correct channel.
I might be a bit lazy/ not good at searching, but I have not been able to find any relevant information so here goes...
I would love to see FreeBSD adopted/ used a lot more, as I believe it to be so much better and sane than anything else.
I believe there are a few pieces missing that might elevate FreeBSD to be better used/adopted.
- Linux started off with being very difficult to install and use.
- However, the one thing the various Linux communities got right was the boot loader LiLO and subsequently Grub.
- Whilst not easy to use/ setup as such themselves, they allowed for an average joe / newcomer to experiment and subsequently get better at it by allowing for dual-booting their windows installation with their flavour of linux.
- I sincerely believe FreeBSD would be better adopted and loved if there was a similar alternative that came with freebsd, either as the default bootloader being able to dual boot a standard windows/linux installation, or some mechanism which recognizes the existence of another OS on a user's machine and allows them so safely experiment and fall in love with FreeBSD.
Average/in-frequent FreeBSD user here. Long time forum user, and the forum has really helped me learn a lot.
Currently compiling FreeBSD-current on my laptop and I love it
I am aware of the existence and have dabbled in the past with the various FreeBSD derived systems out there.
I am also aware of the various other boot loader alternatives such as rEFInd
This is my first post, and as such am not sure if I am posting this in the correct channel.
I might be a bit lazy/ not good at searching, but I have not been able to find any relevant information so here goes...
I would love to see FreeBSD adopted/ used a lot more, as I believe it to be so much better and sane than anything else.
I believe there are a few pieces missing that might elevate FreeBSD to be better used/adopted.
- Linux started off with being very difficult to install and use.
- However, the one thing the various Linux communities got right was the boot loader LiLO and subsequently Grub.
- Whilst not easy to use/ setup as such themselves, they allowed for an average joe / newcomer to experiment and subsequently get better at it by allowing for dual-booting their windows installation with their flavour of linux.
- I sincerely believe FreeBSD would be better adopted and loved if there was a similar alternative that came with freebsd, either as the default bootloader being able to dual boot a standard windows/linux installation, or some mechanism which recognizes the existence of another OS on a user's machine and allows them so safely experiment and fall in love with FreeBSD.