
Hello. Would you tell me where the dns records(bind) of users in the freebsd are located, and how can they be transferred to another server?
I can't find where the dns zone(bind) files are located?
In FreeBSD, the default directory of the primary zone files is /usr/local/etc/namedb/master. This can be changed by configuration options, though. Also note that, if the “chrootdir” and “symlink” options are enabled via rc.conf(8), the directory is linked to a different location (historically in /var/named, but this is also a matter of configuration).

To transfer them to a different server, you have to copy the zone files and change the BIND configuration (named.conf) for the new zones. Note that you probably have to make an update at the domain name registry or provider where the domain names were registered, otherwise the new server won’t receive DNS requests at all. You will also have to update the SOA records and the NS records of the zones. This is not FreeBSD-related, though.

If you don’t know how DNS works, you should try to get help from someone who does. DNS and BIND are quite complex topics, and there are a lot of things that can go wrong – and certain mistakes can even cause harm to others. Being a DNS admin bears great responsibility.