dma config file


Hopefully I picked the right forum.

Trying to go from ssmtp to dma (for the MASQUERADE feature). For a few days I constantly got strange errors (e.g. 'remote delivery deferred: DNS lookup failure') for some destinations and delivery for others, but nothing was masqueraded, and even seemed sent directly instead via SMARTHOST. I went up and down google without finding any mentions that masquerading might fail. So the problem must be me.

Then it dawned on me that it could indeed be a config issue. I've had my config files in /usr/local/etc/dma. Copying dma.conf and auth.conf to /etc/dma solved everything. Same content, same permissions. So it's the location of the config.

So far I was under the impression, if there is nothing in /etc, most FreeBSD software tries /usr/local/etc. Looking at the source of the dma port, I see references to PREFIX and CONFPATH pointing to /usr/local and /etc/dma. But why this then does not work is beyond me, I have only limited read-power in C and Makefiles ;) Also seeing people putting the config in /usr/local/etc/dma confirms for me that it should work. But how?

Is this the expected behaviour? What am I doing wrong? Which knob do I have to twist?

Thanks for pointing me in the right direction
I've had my config files in /usr/local/etc/dma. Copying dma.conf and auth.conf to /etc/dma solved everything. Same content, same permissions. So it's the location of the config.
Looking at the source of the dma port, ...
Also seeing people putting the config in /usr/local/etc/dma confirms for me that it should work.

Those are indications of using port mail/dma, have you set the correct MTA in /etc/mail/mailer.conf, pointing to /usr/local/libexec/dma?

mailer.conf points in the right direction, it works when the config file is in /etc.

I'm using the binary (pkg install dma).

The config file location is not a compile time option. Where would be the difference if I'm compiling the port myself?

Why am I ready about /usr/local/etc/dma as a possible config file location when /etc is hardcoded?

feeling quite stupid at the moment....
Where would be the difference if I'm compiling the port myself?
There would be no difference, since there are no options to configure.

Why am I ready about /usr/local/etc/dma as a possible config file location when /etc is hardcoded?

Apropos hardcoded:
# strings /usr/libexec/dma | grep etc/dma

# strings /usr/local/libexec/dma | grep etc/dma
Are you sure you are using the right dma executable?

yes, I did have my head up my a$$. What I thought was the 'correct' mailer.conf settings was pointing to /usr/libexec. That there are two binaries didn't occur to me, so I glanced over your comment. Of course it works like a charm now.

Thank you for your patience and help. I'll see myself to the corner to stand there in shame ;-)

best regards