Solved Difference ports <> binary pkg's

Ports build packages and it's the packages that get installed. So in essence there's no difference between the two. There are however problems mixing ports and packages. The official packages are always built using the default options. Ports can have a multitude of options you can set or unset. This can lead to conflicts and inconsistencies. So, unless you know what you are doing I suggest not mixing ports and packages.
I hate to respond to this old thread. I stumbled by looking at developer11 posts as he seems to be bragging about using FreeBSD to run the business.

Ports build packages and it's the packages that get installed. So in essence there's no difference between the two.There are however problems mixing ports and packages. The official packages are always built using the default options.
I respectfully see the contradiction in this answer. Ports and packages are not the same! If the FreeBSD ports tree was designed for reproducible builds than they would be the same. A reproducible build would always build exactly the same version of the binaries whether on the community or private servers and install those binaries after the build. That is not how FreeBSD ports tree works. FreeBSD ports tree is designed to be highly configurable and essentially every build is more or less totally unique. By design FreeBSD used to be source OS which meant that everyone was building packages for her/himself. Distributing binary packages with all due respect is an afterthought in FreeBSD community but it is getting better. I am one of those people who never builds his own ports and uses exclusively quarterly released packages build with default options.

My understanding is that package flavors are in works as sort of middle ground between the two approaches. The flavors are obviously inspired by OpenBSD package flavors which unlike FreeBSD has truly reproducible build ports tree (due to security reasons).

Reproducible vs non-reproducible approach in building ports was object of many wholly wars (at least in OpenBSD community) always started by people who move from one to another BSD without understanding philosophical differences. There is no such thing as one is better than the other. Both approaches have pros and cons and FreeBSD choice is obviously the best for FreeBSD community.

Just for the record FreeBSD ports tree is a grand daddy of all ports/packaging systems period let alone BSDs. Both pkgsrc (non-reproducible builds) and OpenBSD port tree (reproducible builds) are essentially forks (rewritten from the scratch) of the FreeBSD ports tree.
Oko trying to start shitstorm or what? clarify......

Every (even not within BSD family) OS has its own philosopfy behind, normal thing. These philosophies differs, again normal. What is not normal is that one shouldn't try to force others into thinking/liking other OSes just because of philosophy they think is right.