ZFS difference between ZFS datatset with folder in zfs pool ?

Dear all :
i used command create a folder in same zfs pool in below .
zfs create p200/external_disk
mdkir /p200/external_disk

1. question is what difference about zfs create p200/external_disk dataset with mkdir /p200/external_disk in same pool p200 ? looks like those all are directory .
i know the dataset is a data collection. folder is a directory.
i create it in same pool p200.
2. can we create directory in zfs pool ? or we only use zfs create command to create dataset ,vol in the zfs pool ? what is best operation ?
3. usage of normal directory in zfs pool ?

DEar all:
maybe i known my question . we can create folder in zfs pool anywhere. the folder was belongs dataset . dataset can include more folder , but folder don't include dataset . we can mount other disk space to the folder , we can't mount other disk space to the dataset ... is that right ?
When you create a pool, ZFS automatically creates a root dataset, in your case p200, which is mounted under /p200 by default. If you were to create only subdirectories in this directory, you would be missing one of the best features of ZFS, snapshots. For example, you could create subdirectories /p200/videos, /p200/databases, /p200/games, etc. If you roll back /p200 you would rollback all subdirectories. If you create multiple datasets, you can snapshot, export, and import each independently. This is also the reason why the root directory of the pool is usually empty except the mountpoints of the child-datasets.