devilspie2 linker errors

hey, so it's good to be here. i'm finding most of the programs i use port from debian fairly smoothly. particularly like the dead-simple
setup and related stuff that pretty much obviates a lot of my dotfiles ...

... i'm amazed at the effort to keep so many programs updated and running on a different kernel ...

... that said, there's one program, devilspie2 , that's not available. even though i don't know what i'm doing outside of userland yet, i tried to build from source. first, i realized that i needed to run gmake instead of make (already probably a sign that i don't know what i'm doing). then i installed all the deps and added a bunch of directories to the include path

LOCAL_CFLAGS=$(STD_CFLAGS) $(DEPRECATED) $(CFLAGS) $(LIB_CFLAGS) -I/usr/local/include/glib-2.0 -I/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0/include -I/usr/local/include/libwnck-1.0 -I/usr/local/include/gdk-pixbuf-2.0 -I/usr/local/include/gtk-2.0 -I/usr/local/include/cairo -I/usr/local/include/pango-1.0 -I/usr/local/include/atk-1.0 -I/usr/local/include -I/usr/local/include/lua51

when i got build errors about headers not being found (this is obviously more ick).

then i started added some directories to the linker path

LOCAL_LDFLAGS=$(STD_CFLAGS) $(LDFLAGS) $(STD_LDFLAGS) -L/usr/local/lib -L/usr/local/lib/gcc7 -L/usr/local/lib/glib-2.0

and even with these and various other -L<path> entries to this line , the


rule gives a lot of "undefined reference" errors.

i barely understand the gnu toolchain. i have no idea what is going on with clang -- and much of freebsd at large for that matter. what do i need to do in order to get this program to build?

alternately (and this can be moved to a separate topic if necessary -- porting the devilspie2 lua to devilspie s-exps is feasible), why does

(if (is (application_name) "zathura") (set_workspace 1))

not move windows around in xmonad in the devilspie program installed by pkg?

devilspie -d <file_path>

confirms that the s-exp gets loaded, but the window doesn't change desktops/workspaces as it does on debian with devilspie2.