Ports are a community effort. Nobody is getting paid to create or maintain ports for FreeBSD. Porting takes time and effort. Somebody has to be willing and able to invest that time and effort. Most software will easily compile on FreeBSD, but sometimes software doesn't and requires extensive modifications in order to get it to work.
Thank you.
I have been working for 10 years with FreeBSD and I know what ports are. My topic is only a way to understand a state of Dart on FreeBSD. Maybe who can give more information about porting problems.
By GSM, do you mean mobile phone? If you do, you are right that is one of the uses of the language, but it is a Turing Complete language, and can be used in other places for other applications, so I am not sure exactly what you are saying.I think Dart/Flutter is good for a GSM. (which does not run freebsd)
Looks like you don't want to understand that's of no use at all (well most of the time, except maybe if a company actually wants their product to be used on FreeBSD, and pays a dev to make it happen, but how likely is that?), but:It would be great for people who are interested in using the product, to express interest here, so that people who might be able to help port (or the first party product owner themselves) can see there is interest.
That's (very) true of course. Still, in the OSS world, someone has to be interested themselves to start working. Maybe "advertising" would help ? – but seriously, the best course of action if you want a port is still: learn yourself what's necessary and just do it.People have limited about of time
Looks like you don't want to understand that's of no use at all (well most of the time, except maybe if a company actually wants their product to be used on FreeBSD, and pays a dev to make it happen, but how likely is that?), but:
That's (very) true of course. Still, in the OSS world, someone has to be interested themselves to start working. Maybe "advertising" would help ? – but seriously, the best course of action if you want a port is still: learn yourself what's necessary and just do it.
While ignoring the potential volunteer/maintainer/submitter aspect? The whole porting process is valid, no matter if a company finds enough interest in it to do it, or if FreeBSD users do it on their own.by posting that only your way of doing these projects is valid?
You have never submitted a port. I am also guessing that you have never hired a team of people to port software, nor have you ever put together consortia of people/companies to fund do a port. How then are you such an expert on what is needed?I've never submitted a port, but I've looked at Makefiles, and complex ones take a lot of work compared to simpler Makefiles, as I can see.
Who are you to boss people around? And that was classic shaming for your insipid argument, and you don't like getting called out on it.You have never submitted a port. I am also guessing that you have never hired a team of people to port software, nor have you ever put together consortia of people/companies to fund do a port. How then are you such an expert on what is needed?
If by "porting" you mean the FreeBSD community ports/package process you are clearly wrong. The mail system I use hosted on FreeBSD is not part of the FreeBSD ports/packages system/process and yet it is a well supported product based on various open source tools. There are even commercial products that are available to run on FreeBSD, none of which are part of that process.Porting is fundamental to everything for using a program on FreeBSD.
No, at no point did "people realize Flash wasn't worth it", Apple decided not to allow Flash to run on iOS and instead to support HTML 5. (Go read Thoughts on Flash by Steve Jobs.) Flash was a commercial product and would never have been part of the open source ports process. People tried to create an open source Flash compatible system and it was never very compatible.If you've seem how Flash didn't support FreeBSD, even after a lot of interest from the community, it had to be ported by volunteers who wanted to use it. At some point, people realized Flash wasn't worth it, and it was being replaced by something much better, HTML5.
Again, no. You have interest in some hallowed process. Many people just want a product and are happy to find many ways to make that happen. The part that so interests you, comes much, much later for people that actually make resource allocation decisions.Whether or not a company wants to port something, volunteers' efforts and the way of porting has to be respected.
Completely wrong. As I already pointed out, there are commercial products that run on FreeBSD, none of those went through the process on which you spend some much energy focused. There are many open source products that have releases for FreeBSD that are not in the ports/packages tree.It could be a joint effort by both a company and volunteers. Even a company would have to port it, by using, the porting process.
No one has ever said it is not valid, all that keeps being said is that it is not the focus of the people asking these questions. Maybe later, if someone is interested in working through that, it might be of interest. Your view that worrying about some future approach is more important than gaging interest is just odd.Ignoring the potential volunteer/maintainer/submitter aspect? The whole porting process is valid, no matter if a company finds interest in it to do it, or if FreeBSD users do it on their own.
Who are you to boss people around? And that was classic shaming for your insipid argument, and you don't like getting called out on it.
Yup, and yet I have developed, participated in developing, organized groups to develop/fund the development of and funded many software systems that run on FreeBSD (some open source, some not). I guess there is another approach to getting software to run on this platform!You've never submitted a port.
Not once in any of these post have I said anything negative about those volunteers or paid staff who participate in any open source process. Wanting to start in a different place by gaging interest in a product and then trying to figure out what the best approach to get it to happen is not undermining anything. You do not "appreciate" anything, you worship some process and act as if it is the only way for anything to happen, all evidence to the contrary you just ignore.Who are you to disrespect the efforts of maintainers and submitters, by undermining and ignoring the work it takes for them that is needed for a port to be available? At least I respect and appreciate their work, unlike you.
This is the part that I find so funny from you. You repeat over and over that I have demanded a port from people on here, and that I do not appreciate the work of people who do ports. You then proceeded to quote post after post of mine where I said I was not asking for anyone here to do anything other than to express interest in using a product and then claim those posts meant the opposite of the plain language they used.I know more about it than someone who shows on on here and whines and doesn't appreciate the work of porters.
That may not make me an expert, but you're less of one.
By demanding, you mean asking if people are interest in using something, and making it clear that is the extent of the current request? Got it. It does not take much to see that I registered for this forum in 2012. I guess it is possible that I did that and despite my posting a question about an actual system, it was all a sham so that almost 10 years later I could post things denigrating you. Maybe, during all those years, I never built a port, installed a package, etc., I guess it is certainly possible.At least I've worked on building a port and made it run on my computer, and I don't come in here with your demanding attitude.
Please quote a statement from me that says that something "must absolutely be ported on FreeBSD" or demanding that someone here do a port of something.At least I don't sit here, and make keep forcing suggestions that something must absolutely be ported on FreeBSD, and make post after post after it aggressively.
You mean the wording that says repeatedly that I am not asking anyone here to do anything other than express interest in using something? Humpty Dumpty must be your hero, as you share his attitude about the meaning of words:Yeah, but classic denial, keep insisting you didn't do these things, because of your particular wording, while you're doing it.
- Through the Looking Glass by Lewis Carrol.'When I use a word,' Humpty Dumpty said, in a rather scornful tone,' it means just what I choose it to mean, neither more nor less.' ...
Plain and simple: you don't respect the process.
I never said that. If the software in question is any popular, just lean back and wait – sooner or later, someone who wants it will port it. But literally nobody will ever port something just because a bunch of people "demands" it. The only motivation in OSS is intrinsic (yes, that's even true for companies, although they might pay someone for possible future profit), deal with it.However, while you keep claiming that the only approach for ports to happen is for the person interested in the product to do the work themselves, that is clearly an absurd position.
Maybe who can do Dart language port for FreeBSD? It will be very great.
Thank you in advance.
I will try one last time to see if it is possible for you to follow a simple thread of logic.Ok, the volunteers work in ports means shit. Gotcha. You don't care about parts of the process, no matter what you say is more important.
I will answer this in simplest way possible: I was responding to the original poster and suggesting that he might want to know if there was interest in this community in using the product, and if there was, there were lots of options for next steps from there.Why are you here?
I have asked Apple to port it, and I was looking to find other people who are also FreeBSD users who might want to have the product, to make the same request. That would require almost no effort from people, and if there was enough interest generated, it would be a great start in getting such a port done.Go ask Apple to port it.
Even if I were going to do it myself (or pay for it to be done), I would not do it if I was the only one interested in it because that would mean that no other non-open source library would ever be made available for it.If you're such an expert, then port it.
You have the most bizarre view about what is "bossy".Or go convince Apple to port it by using your bossiness.
I want like to use Swift on FreeBSD, if there is not a large enough community of others who also want it, I would not want to waste time on it. Further, I do not care at all if it is in the FreeBSD ports tree, or if I have to download a pre-compiled binary from some other site. My interest is in having it available to use, not in the specific way one gets it. At the point I am clear as to how many others want to use it, I will see what the next step is that makes the most sense. That could be anything from finding a few others and funding it, to talking to people at Apple and pointing to the interest and encouraging them to do it.You want it ported, and the part you care about the end result, you don't care about that process.
Acknowledge what?You're no expert on how something gets ported, because if you were, you would at least acknowledge that part.
Your maturity and charity know no bounds.You do boss people around. You think, just because you reform the way it's written, people don't see it. Get fucked.