Cups print server tutorial

Hi all,

I see that freebsd 8 has been released, and i'm interested in finding a tutorial for setting up a print server using freebsd.

I've been googling >freebsd cups print server< but have not found anything yet, any suggestions would be great.
Oko is wrong

Oko said:
Because there is nothing special about CUPS on FreeBSD. CUPS stands for Common Unix Printing System. Let me Google CUPS system administration manual for you. Ahh.. Here it is

First off, this is completely presumptuous on the part of Oko.

Setting up CUPS on FreeBSD is completely different than on Linux distributions: there is no apt-get or yum on FreeBSD, and on Linux, one doesn't have to go running around tweaking this and that conf file just so something works correctly.

Secondly, point dumbly at the CUPS manual helps no one know what the differences are in a FreeBSD setup, and what the steps are.

So, ignore Oko, and follow the helpful suggestions made first.