After a recent port upgrade from CUPS 2.1.x to 2.2.1 if I go to localhost:631 I'm told the page is not found, but localhost:631/admin.php gets me to an icon-less but perfectly usable admin page. Some searching turns up that the mainpage is somewhere else than the sub-pages (like admin.php). I have a copy of the main page's index.html but don't know where it goes. Does anyone know what CUPS file I can root through to find where CUPS expects to find this main page?
After a recent port upgrade from CUPS 2.1.x to 2.2.1 if I go to localhost:631 I'm told the page is not found, but localhost:631/admin.php gets me to an icon-less but perfectly usable admin page. Some searching turns up that the mainpage is somewhere else than the sub-pages (like admin.php). I have a copy of the main page's index.html but don't know where it goes. Does anyone know what CUPS file I can root through to find where CUPS expects to find this main page?