Creating a virtual CD/DVD from a directory

Good afternoon,

I want to use contents of a directory through as if a virtual CD or DVD :

My folder -----(mount)----->/dev/acd0​

My folder is localised into NTFS partition (Windows Vista)

My folder --> (mount_ntfs) --> /mnt --> (mount) --> /dev/acd0​

It's possible under Unix ??? :stud

Thank you in advance
I don't think you can export an imported mountpoint ("re-mount"), but you could try nullfs(5) for the export.
nullfs but what does mean null file system. I find also null device ??? C'est bizarre !!!
Nothing to do with null device. It allows to you mount a directory to another directory on the same system. It is used for exporting /usr/ports to a jail environment on the same system, for example. See the example in nullfs(5).
nullfs is similar to what setti is after. Something else similar would be md(4). If you take that directory contents and put it into a vnode type md disk image, you can turn it into a device entry that lives in /dev. If you build the md image with something like mkisofs, the device node should behave similarly to a CD device.

Have a look at md(4) and mdconfig(8).