Other Copying across filesystems very slow

Hi forum
I'm setting up a new FreeBSD host (13.2-RELEASE-p2) for some data "maintenance" tasks.
Using old hardwares, with 32GB ram and Intel Core i5-2400.
I'm trying to move (using rsync -av yadda) approx 1TB of data between 2 Seagate HDD's (3.5 inch with spinning platters).
The source HDD is formatted as ntfs (fusefs) and the target is formatted as ext4 (ext2fs).
Yes, I would have preferred zfs filesystem, but there's other reasons to use these "foreign" filesystems at this stage.
At the current rate of progress, transfer of nearly 1TB of data is predicted to take over 3 days.
Wow ! Is this expected ?
Both HDD's pass the usual smartctl long test.
Could this unexpected transfer time be caused by a pile work needed to make the conversion from ntfs to ext4 ?
When the transfer completes in coming days, I'll try to test some other data transfers using same (or similar) legacy drives.
ext4 -> ntfs, ntfs -> ntfs, ext4 -> ext4, zfs -> zfs, and other variations.
Meanwhile, thanks for any tips or clues.

Edit. All HDD's connected using SATA-3
# dmesg | grep "^ada.*600"
ada0: 600.000MB/s transfers (SATA 3.x, UDMA6, PIO 512bytes)
ada1: 600.000MB/s transfers (SATA 3.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
ada2: 600.000MB/s transfers (SATA 3.x, UDMA6, PIO 8192bytes)
Recently I copied a large file (~ 8GB) to a USB stick on which resides a Linux install (ext4 as filesystem). My laptop USB port support USB3 and the stick USB3.2, but the average transfer speed was about 880KBps using FreeBSD's impementation of ext4 (ext4fs(5)).

That said, while FUSE doesn't give great performances, at least for reading operations it should be fine; the bottleneck is more likely in writing operations, in this particular case in writing to an ext4 filesystem.

I would follow (if possible) covacat's suggestion and use a Linux distro to speed up the transfer (or more generally: write to a filesystem using an OS that has an officially supported implementation for it, both for performance and to prevent possible data corruptions).

If I am not mistaken, fuse works in user space, which will always be a lot slower than if you were reading/writing to a native file system. I can only +1 Maxnix and covacat: probably better to directly use Linux for this.
You mentioning other reasons and choosing ext4 as target makes me assume, you probably have one around anyways - or is there a particular reason why you want to do this on FreeBSD?
I get about 110~118 mb/sec over 1gb LAN, transferring from Win10 video ripper workstation to XigmaNAS/FBSD configured as ZFS RAIDZ-2.
File operations from Win10 to NAS are always a bit sluggish... which I assume is the SAMBA translation layer between SMB and ZFS.
Moving huge blu-ray and UHD video files really does take a very long time.