Solved Consistency of binary packages and ports

Hello forum, I'm little confused: there is a ports tree and there is a official FreeBSD repository (my host uses pkg+ repo). But comparison of software available from both this source demonstrates difference, for example -- there is audio/moc in ports:

# ls -d /usr/ports/*/moc/

but there is no moc available through pkg:

pkg search -xo moc

(output doesn't even contain audio category)

So my question is simple (of course after I dug in a bit): which packages is built from ports and get their place in official repo (and how much time is it takes)? Is it happens on periodic basis, or is it have something to do with particular ports itself? I just want to understand a logic, which bind software distribution in FreeBSD together (or if there is a logic at all).
You're comparing the quarterly repository with the current ports tree. The quarterly repository is only updated 4 times per year whereas the ports tree is continuously updated.

The default pkg(8) repository set in /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf now defaults to the quarterly package set. To use the latest branch (as was the previous default), the comment at the top of /etc/pkg/FreeBSD.conf explains how to disable the default repository and specify an alternative repository. [r285830]

Also note that some ports are not allowed to be packaged due to license limitations.
The quarterly repository is only updated 4 times per year
Also note that some ports are not allowed to be packaged due to license limitations.

Ok, as I understand, official repo should contain builded ports collection, except for ports with license limitation. Makes perfect sense, but mentioned audio/moc maintained since 28 Jul 2005 (this confuses me mostly) and distributes under GPLv2+. Moreover, binary-based Linux distributions (Ubuntu at least) have prebuilt moc package.

And with figures like this:

# pkg search -o audio/ | wc -l
# ls -ld /usr/ports/audio/* | wc -l

I really start to wonder whether is it official repo building so unhurried, or I understand/doing something wrong.