Configuration port in one step

Hi all,

I have problem. I use ports to install software. For configuration I use command make configure, which displays available options. In some case it's necessary to provide additional information. And it is a problem, because compilation of large programs takes all night and after twenty minutes to stop because of expected user input. You can specify all the options at once?

I know only that can be written to a file /etc/make.conf
and do not want.


The option is config. "configure" is unrelated to port options.

To do config for the current port and all dependencies,
# make config-recursive
If you enable options be sure to run make config-recursive a few times. The system isn't smart enough to detect the changes in one go. Just run config-recursive until you don't get any more option screens.

But the easiest is to use ports-mgmt/portmaster. portmaster(8) will make sure all options are set before starting the build.