Computerised chess board

I've started playing chess recently, and had this idea about creating a computerised chess board consisting of a square touch screen display with chess pieces containing some sort of electronic ID sort that moves could be automatically recorded.

I have no idea if such a concept is feasible, if it was I would need to source a square touch screen display.

Is such a thing available anywhere?

Maybe would be a good place to start looking...
If you want to build your own, you could put nfc tags into the base of the chess pieces, and nfc readers under the chess board squares.
Was thinking RFID but the idea is the same. Not sure if there are NFC tags small enough to fit in/on a regular sized chess piece. Those grain sized pet RFIDs could probably be drilled in the middle/bottom.

First idea that popped up however was the Mechanical Turk. But with actual robotics and a chess program or AI. We've advanced enough to not have to fake it any more 😁
I've started playing chess recently, and had this idea about creating a computerised chess board consisting of a square touch screen display with chess pieces containing some sort of electronic ID sort that moves could be automatically recorded.

I have no idea if such a concept is feasible, if it was I would need to source a square touch screen display.

Is such a thing available anywhere?

Maybe would be a good place to start looking...
I think Microsoft tried this with the original Surface (they now call it PixelSense)

It was a tabletop thing that could recognise objects that you placed on it, and could then interact with the digital table side of it. Used a lot of fibre-optics, and didn't work that great.

iPad's come with a free Chess app... 🙃
The highest level competition chess boards have this kind of functionality, allowing 'real' games to be played with online opponents or to record/broadcast games onto screens.

DGT Chess Boards