Clock on XFCE4 panel showing wrong time

When I use the date command in the terminal I see the correct time but the clock on the lower right corner is not showing the correct time. How do I fix this ?

I am using XFCE
It's been a while since I've used XFCE, but try right clicking on the clock. It may bring up a menu where you can configure it, look for Time Zone setting.

I'm assuming that you have NTP running, the CMOS/BIOS clock is set to GMT and the timezone is set correctly for your location which is why the "date" command would be correct.

I tried typing both my country and city in that "Timezone" area but nothing happened. It always stayed red.
I have noticed that I cannot edit that field anymore however I am taking the time from the NTP hence my time is displayed properly.

Is this a bug of the plugin? 🤷‍♂️
I have the same problem,not fixed at the moment. Did you fix it ?

Yes I did.

Installed ntpsec:

pkg info ntpsec                                                                                             01:27
Name           : ntpsec
Version        :
Installed on   : Mon Oct  2 06:41:34 2023 EDT
Origin         : net/ntpsec
Architecture   : FreeBSD:13:amd64
Prefix         : /usr/local
Categories     : net
Licenses       : BSD2CLAUSE
Maintainer     :
WWW            :
Comment        : Network Time Protocol suite, refactored
Options        :
    DOCS           : on
Shared Libs required:
Shared Libs provided:
Annotations    :
    FreeBSD_version: 1302001
    cpe            : cpe:2.3:a:ntpsec:ntpsec:
    repo_type      : binary
    repository     : FreeBSD
Flat size      : 3.55MiB
Description    :
A reimplementation of the NTP protocol daemon and tools in a secure way.

A major new feature is that it implements IETF's Network Time Security standard
for strong cryptographic authentication of time service.

Security improvements:
* Network Time Security is implemented.
* The deprecated ntpdc utility, long a chronic locus of security
  vulnerabilities, has been removed
* Autokey is not supported; that code has been removed, as it was chronically
  prone to security vulnerabilities.
* Peer mode has been removed. The keyword peer in ntp.conf is now just an alias
  for keyword server.
* Broadcast- and multicast modes, which are impossible to secure, have been
* The authentication requirement for remote configuration commands (e.g., via
  ntpq) can no longer be disabled.
* The deprecated and vulnerability-prone ntpdate program has been replaced with
  a shell wrapper around ntpdig.


And made these changes to rc.conf

cat /etc/rc.conf | grep ntp

And now the clock is working!