Clarification on make.conf / openssl setting

I'm currently running FreeBSD 13.3 and base still has OpenSSL 1.1.1.

Before I even consider upgrading to FreeBSD 14.x, I would like to rebuild my ports to use OpenSSL 3.x, but I'm not sure which installed ports are compatible with it. Is there any way for me to find out?

If I were to modify my make.conf file and add the ssl tag to it, will only installed ports that support OpenSSL 3.x use it? (and then I'm assuming what doesn't would use the base version?)

DEFAULT_VERSIONS += php=8.2 mysql=8.0 ssl=openssl33

Any help would be appreciated.
It's a core point of FreeBSD:
When you use quarterly, all ports are compatible.
(At least it's ment to be. There are some exceptions for several reasons. But it's a key target, and pretty reliable.)

Did you tried a pkg upgrade?
If this ain't no exception I'm pretty sure you'll have openssl 3.0.14,1 already within 13.3.
I build my own ports using ports-mgmt/synth.

The base is still OpenSSL 1.1.1, but in my nginx config, I've enabled it to use openssl-quictls-3.0.13. All other ports use base OpenSSL.

$ /usr/bin/openssl version
OpenSSL 1.1.1w-freebsd  11 Sep 2023