Cities: Skylines (Linux/Steam) on FreeBSD

Just wondering, is anyone here running Cities: Skylines on FreeBSD using the Linux Steam client?

I am currently building a dedicated FreeBSD box and that would be one killer game I'd like to play (I love city building games).
Most modern (Linux) Steam games require a newer GLIBC than the one the Linux emulation provides. I've had more luck running Steam games on Wine but even that is a bit of a hit and miss. Some games work, some don't.
One possible solution is to set up a Linux jail with Debian bootstrap that has the newer GLIBC.
I've tried that too, couldn't get anything Steam related working. Steam itself wasn't a problem but any game would simply core dump. Gave up in the end.

Some background, I had Arma 2 (dedicated server) running for quite a while. Had tried the Linux version but never got it working stable. Running it through Wine worked like a charm.

Arma 3 (dedicated server), never worked. Not through Wine, not through Linux emulation, not with a Debian jail. Opted to go for a Linux VPS in the end, that one has been working stable for at least a year now.
argh, pity. Maybe in the next FreeBSD-11 releases it'll be working. There was some work done on the Linuxulator. Thanks for the idea about the debian jail and link, kpa.
Just wondering, is anyone here running Cities: Skylines on FreeBSD using the Linux Steam client?

I am currently building a dedicated FreeBSD box and that would be one killer game I'd like to play (I love city building games).

The game is using Unity, so I can't quite say fully whether it would work.

Tested Rust, 7 Days to Die, Amnesia- they all use Unity and failed to load various ways (Missing dep)

^This indeed works, it is a bit messy but has been improved a bunch. Basically if you can figure out what dependancies are missing the game may just work!

Can say 99% of the source engine games play fine. Portal, Half-Life, Counter-Strike's....

^This features Counter-Strike and Portal, was live streamed to YouTube via OBS. Sadly my audio capture broke as I started streaming but there is indeed audio, and it was recordable but stopped.

You'll need FreeBSD 11 or TrueOS (PC-BSD) to use SteamOnFreeBSD

Much luck.
^This indeed works, it is a bit messy but has been improved a bunch. Basically if you can figure out what dependancies are missing the game may just work!

Could you please explain how that worked for you? I tried to follow the installation instructions but after

"Extract steam.tar.gz as root: tar -zxvf steam.tar.gz -C /" which gave the following output:

root@elvis69:/usr/home/test/steambsd # tar -zxvf steam_latest.tar.gz -C /
x ./
x ./usr/
x ./usr/bin/
x ./usr/bin/steamdeps
x ./usr/bin/steam
x ./usr/lib/
x ./usr/lib/steam/
x ./usr/lib/steam/bootstraplinux_ubuntu12_32.tar.xz
x ./usr/share/
x ./usr/share/applications/
x ./usr/share/applications/steam.desktop
x ./usr/share/pixmaps/
x ./usr/share/pixmaps/steam.png
x ./usr/share/pixmaps/steam_tray_mono.png
x ./usr/share/icons/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/256x256/apps/steam.png
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/16x16/apps/steam.png
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/24x24/apps/steam.png
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/48x48/apps/steam.png
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/
x ./usr/share/icons/hicolor/32x32/apps/steam.png
x ./usr/share/man/
x ./usr/share/man/man6/
x ./usr/share/man/man6/steam.6.gz
x ./usr/share/doc/
x ./usr/share/doc/steam-launcher/
x ./usr/share/doc/steam-launcher/changelog.gz
x ./usr/share/doc/steam-launcher/copyright
x ./usr/share/doc/steam/
x ./usr/share/doc/steam/README
x ./usr/share/doc/steam/steam_install_agreement.txt.gz
x ./lib/
x ./lib/udev/
x ./lib/udev/rules.d/
x ./lib/udev/rules.d/60-HTC-Vive-perms.rules
x ./lib/udev/rules.d/99-steam-controller-perms.rules
x ./etc/
x ./etc/apt/
x ./etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/
x ./etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/steam.gpg
x ./etc/apt/sources.list.d/
x ./etc/apt/sources.list.d/steam.list
root@elvis69:/usr/home/test/steambsd #

When I then do "steam" (as user) I get a window with the following message:

"Couldn't set up Steam data - please contact technical support"

After doing "steam" (as user) for a second time, I get another window with this message:
"Couldn't find Steam content, did you move it?" with the options to "Reinstall" or "Search".

Two hidden folders ".steam" and ".local/share/Steam" are created in the home directory (/home/test/), but they do not contain the scripts "" or "", neither do they appear in the above shown extraction output. So what am I missing here?
The game is using Unity, so I can't quite say fully whether it would work.
I ran unity game (Wasteland 2) a year ago when tested linux emulation, but without sound as pi mutexes was not implemented and unity uses pulseaudio. I think now situation can be even better. Ubuntu 12 was used in /compat. Not bothered with steam, just got game archive from torrents.