I am not even sure where to begin here. I am playing around with 11.1 RC1 on a very beefy desktop, with the intent to migrate that desktop over to FreeBSD completely at some point in the future. While the installation process went smoothly for most packages, including a fully working MATE desktop environment, Cinnamon frustrates me.
Some general questions first:
System is an X99 chipset Asrock Extreme3 motherboard with Intel core i7-5820k, 16 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 980 graphics, FreeBSD 11.1-RC1 amd64. Nvidia proprietary driver is loaded and running as soon as SLIM starts up (onn my GPU there is a great indicator for that: only once the Nvidia driver initializes do the fans turn down from maximum RPMs)
Some general questions first:
- Is the version of Cinnamon in ports considered to be usable or is it known to be broken?
- Is anybody aware of current issues with Cinnamon on FreeBSD 11.1?
- cinnamon did not build from ports (missing module reported during build), so I had to install the binary package
- cinnamon-session-cinnamon (started through SLIM, just like the working MATE environment) hangs with a black screen and the white/black X11 cursor (The "X"). The Error Message from cinnamon-session is "CRITICAL: We failed, but the faile whale is dead. Sorry...." Very helpful.
- Fallback mode (software rendering) kind of works, but many Cinnamon tools (like Cinnamon settings) do not start with the message "env: python: No such file or directory". There is a forum thread that provided some insight, but not enough for me (Python agnostic person) to address the issue: https://forums.freebsd.org/threads/28779/
System is an X99 chipset Asrock Extreme3 motherboard with Intel core i7-5820k, 16 GB RAM, Nvidia GTX 980 graphics, FreeBSD 11.1-RC1 amd64. Nvidia proprietary driver is loaded and running as soon as SLIM starts up (onn my GPU there is a great indicator for that: only once the Nvidia driver initializes do the fans turn down from maximum RPMs)