chunk 'ad4s4' [354749104..625142447] does not start on a track boundary


I'm trying to install FreeBSD on a new Notebook with a pre-installed Windows 7 (64-Bit). I used the Windows tool to shrink the partition.

After I select the unused space, and press c to create I get the following error

chunk 'ad4s4' [354749104..625142447] does not start on a track boundary

What do I do to prevent this warning from appearing? Thanks in advance.
Bumping threads like that is less effective, because the thread will no longer show up as "unanswered".

I suppose the solution is to calculate your track boundaries and try to line everything up, if you care.

On the other hand I don't know that this warning is harmful in any way. Does it actually prevent you from creating the slice?
We generally discourage bumping threads anyway, unless you manage to provide new information or a summary of things you've done in the meantime.