chrome no sound

Hi, i need to use chrome / chromium - this stuff but im having an issue.
1: chromium - plays sound all good but no widevine
2: chrome - plays widevine content ( amazon prime ) but no sound, no sound even in youtube so basically no sount at all.
pavucontrol does not show chrome at all.
linux-widevine-drm - not found if i try to install it nor in ports nor trough pkg.
Thank You.
chromium uses sniod audio

heres how to build linux-widevine-drm

chromium uses sniod audio

heres how to build linux-widevine-drm

So without poudriere - no drm right ?
But what chrome uses for audio ?
Its kinda odd that chrome has no audio.
linux-chrome will use pulseaudio. But I am having difficulty with pulseaudio exiting suddenly on FreeBSD.

You don't need poudriere to build ports.
cd /usr/ports/www/linux-widevine-cdm/
and i get this:
cd: no such file or directory: /usr/ports/www/linux-widevine-cdm

I just upgraded to 14.1 i thought maybe this will fix my issues but no.
Chrome - freshly installed but its asking for update as it looks like out of date.
Is there a way to re-populate ports ?
I know on 13 you could do it , but 14 it was some changes.
I have pulseaudio installed but it means i need linux version. which one would be best or which one i need? i wanna try it and hope for the best as i dont want to go back to windows.
Ok. Lets try to get just only linux-chrome. I can live with it for now.
I run trough terminal , went to prime - and this is debug. unfortunately i dont know hot to pipe it to text file so i had to take screenshot.
pkg install audio/linux-rl9-alsa-plugins-pulseaudio - INSTALLED
pkg install audio/linux-rl9-pulseaudio-libs - INSTALLED
pkg install audio/linux-rl9-pulseaudio-utils - INSTALLED
