Greetings, I installed games/chocolate-doom and audio/guspat and haven't been able to get any sound out of the game. I initially thought it was because of mis-configured MIDI emulation but realized that the in-game sound effects are controlled separately. I also noticed Chocolate Doom's startup messages indicate that it's "Unable to set up sound." twice (see below). Because audio is loud and clear for a variety of other apps I've searched these forums thinking it might be related to SDL but I couldn't find anything. I tried setting SDL environment variables after reading the SDL documentation for audio config but none of them made a difference.
This seems to be a pretty popular port so I'm assuming it's just something simple I'm missing. Which steps should I take next?
Chocolate Doom output:
Chocolate Doom config:
This seems to be a pretty popular port so I'm assuming it's just something simple I'm missing. Which steps should I take next?
Chocolate Doom output:
Chocolate Doom 3.0.0
Z_Init: Init zone memory allocation daemon.
zone memory: 0x801c00f00, 1000000 allocated for zone
Using /home/atc/.local/share/chocolate-doom/ for configuration and saves
V_Init: allocate screens.
M_LoadDefaults: Load system defaults.
saving config in /home/atc/.local/share/chocolate-doom/default.cfg
W_Init: Init WADfiles.
adding /home/atc/.local/share/chocolate-doom/wads/DOOM2.WAD
DOOM 2: Hell on Earth
Chocolate Doom is free software, covered by the GNU General Public
License. There is NO warranty; not even for MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. You are welcome to change and distribute
copies under certain conditions. See the source for more information.
I_Init: Setting up machine state.
Unable to set up sound.
Unable to set up sound.
NET_Init: Init network subsystem.
M_Init: Init miscellaneous info.
R_Init: Init DOOM refresh daemon - [......................................]
P_Init: Init Playloop state.
S_Init: Setting up sound.
D_CheckNetGame: Checking network game status.
startskill 2 deathmatch: 0 startmap: 1 startepisode: 1
player 1 of 1 (1 nodes)
Emulating the behavior of the 'Doom 1.9' executable.
HU_Init: Setting up heads up display.
ST_Init: Init status bar.
Chocolate Doom config:
video_driver ""
window_position ""
fullscreen 1
video_display 0
aspect_ratio_correct 1
integer_scaling 0
vga_porch_flash 0
window_width 1402
window_height 1052
fullscreen_width 0
fullscreen_height 0
force_software_renderer 0
max_scaling_buffer_pixels 16000000
startup_delay 1000
show_endoom 1
show_diskicon 1
png_screenshots 0
snd_samplerate 44100
snd_cachesize 67108864
snd_maxslicetime_ms 28
snd_pitchshift 0
snd_musiccmd ""
snd_dmxoption ""
opl_io_port 0x388
use_libsamplerate 0
libsamplerate_scale 0.650000
music_pack_path ""
timidity_cfg_path ""
gus_patch_path "/usr/local/share/guspat/inst/GUS"
gus_ram_kb 1024
vanilla_savegame_limit 1
vanilla_demo_limit 1
vanilla_keyboard_mapping 1
player_name "atc"
grabmouse 1
novert 1
mouse_acceleration 2.000000
mouse_threshold 10
mouseb_strafeleft -1
mouseb_straferight -1
mouseb_use -1
mouseb_backward -1
mouseb_prevweapon -1
mouseb_nextweapon -1
dclick_use 0
joystick_guid ""
joystick_index -1
joystick_x_axis 0
joystick_x_invert 0
joystick_y_axis 1
joystick_y_invert 0
joystick_strafe_axis -1
joystick_strafe_invert 0
joystick_look_axis -1
joystick_look_invert 0
joystick_physical_button0 0
joystick_physical_button1 1
joystick_physical_button2 2
joystick_physical_button3 3
joystick_physical_button4 4
joystick_physical_button5 5
joystick_physical_button6 6
joystick_physical_button7 7
joystick_physical_button8 8
joystick_physical_button9 9
joystick_physical_button10 10
joyb_strafeleft -1
joyb_straferight -1
joyb_menu_activate -1
joyb_toggle_automap -1
joyb_prevweapon -1
joyb_nextweapon -1
key_pause 69
key_menu_activate 1
key_menu_up 72
key_menu_down 80
key_menu_left 75
key_menu_right 77
key_menu_back 14
key_menu_forward 28
key_menu_confirm 21
key_menu_abort 49
key_menu_help 59
key_menu_save 60
key_menu_load 61
key_menu_volume 62
key_menu_detail 63
key_menu_qsave 64
key_menu_endgame 65
key_menu_messages 66
key_menu_qload 67
key_menu_quit 68
key_menu_gamma 87
key_spy 88
key_menu_incscreen 13
key_menu_decscreen 12
key_menu_screenshot 0
key_map_toggle 15
key_map_north 72
key_map_south 80
key_map_east 77
key_map_west 75
key_map_zoomin 13
key_map_zoomout 12
key_map_maxzoom 11
key_map_follow 33
key_map_grid 34
key_map_mark 50
key_map_clearmark 46
key_weapon1 2
key_weapon2 3
key_weapon3 4
key_weapon4 5
key_weapon5 6
key_weapon6 7
key_weapon7 8
key_weapon8 9
key_prevweapon 0
key_nextweapon 0
key_message_refresh 28
key_demo_quit 16
key_multi_msg 20
key_multi_msgplayer1 34
key_multi_msgplayer2 23
key_multi_msgplayer3 48
key_multi_msgplayer4 19