Change K-Start Menu Icon

How to change K-Start menu icon in FreeBSD 8.0 with this one:


thx before...
That will help. Note: this is a FreeBSD community forum, not a support desk. Note: KDE != FreeBSD; try a KDE forum. Note: everyone here's volunteering their time and knowledge; nobody owes you support. Note: what have you done to find the answer yourself?
Here are some reasons why you sometimes don't get answers on a forum:

- Nobody understands the question
- Nobody knows the answer
- Somebody that knows the answer hasn't seen your question yet.
All you need to do is backup your kmenu.png (assuming that you are using a png icon theme) and save this icon as kmenu.png in its place. Your icon theme must be either in /usr/local/share/icons/{your icontheme} or must be in your home directory depending on whether you made a system-wide install or local install.

Please note, I don't use kde so the path where the icontheme resides might be different, may be residing in one of those system-wide kde folders. so do some digging.

I found this information with a quick google search.
Many guides recommend that, however, in KDE4, this is difficult, and may be reverted upon any updates. The recommended way should be:
1) Right-click on Kmenu
2) Select "Application Launcher Menu Settings"
3) Select "Options"
4) Click on Icon and browse to the file of your choice.