change hard drive partition

Hi all.

In HDD (notebook) I have partitions:
  1. NTFS (~420 Gb),
  2. Linux Swap (~20 Mb),
  3. Linux EXT3 (~25 Gb),
  4. Freebsd (13 Gb (mountpoint /) and swap 20 mb).

I want to change it with saving information:

  1. NTFS (~420-20 Gb),
  2. Linux Swap (~20 Mb),
  3. Linux EXT3 (~25 Gb),
  4. Freebsd (13+20 Gb=33 Gb (mountpoint /) and swap 20 mb).

Best regards, Yuriy.
How I can do it with saving all information?
(Use - FreeBsd 8.2 AMD64, Debian Gnu/linux 6.0 Amd 64)
There is a possibility that you can do this, but it's not going to work 100% how you expect it would. The free space that you make at the start of the disk will not be able to be used in a single contiguous partition rather, it could be used for another partition/slice.

You can use a Live CD like gParted to do the dirty work. :)