cde warning errors

Hi when i start x11/cde I get the following errors in /var/log/messages:
dtpad[851]: libtt[851]: ttdt_Xt_input_handler(): tttk_message_receive(): TT_ERR_NOMP No ttsession process is running, 
probably because tt_open() has not been called yet. If this code is returned from tt_open() it means ttsession could not be started, 
which generally means ToolTalk is not installed on this system.
dtfile[852]: libtt[852]: ttdt_Xt_input_handler(): tttk_message_receive(): TT_ERR_NOMP       
 No ttsession process is running, probably because tt_open() has not been called yet. 
If this code is returned from tt_open() it means ttsession could not be started, 
which generally means ToolTalk is not installed on this system.
devd[418]: notify_clients: send() failed; dropping unresponsive client

I have looked in the ports I can't find ToolTalk as a port.
Thanks, nedry
Not an expert on CDE - from what I can tell from the package, tooltalk seems to be included in the port.
If memory serves, tooltalk requires rpc to be active (rpcbind_enable=YES); there's some documentation, though it's probably terribly outdated, just like CDE itself.

For obvious reason, I'm adding a general warning, in case you aren't just tinkering around with it just for fun: there's some serious vulnerabilities in CDE and in tooltalk in particular. So, for you own sake - don't use it in production environments.

If you are looking for an old school CDE-like window manager, I can highly recommend x11-wm/nscde (with the added disclaimer that I'm the port maintainer, so I might be biased in that regard :))
tooltalk is basically the system and user-wide IPC communication daemon (the forefather to dbus). Just like today, these kinds of things are fragile and prone to security issues so you are better off avoiding them. There are better ways to IPC.

That said, many CDE programs do seem to need tooltalk to function. However you will be surprised how superficial this requirement is. I made some progress on stripping it but unfortunately moved onto other projects.

It is generally safe to run tooltalk but do make sure you have your firewall set to block any incoming ports it uses. Then you are pretty much 100% safe unless you let users log into your machine physically (or via SSH, etc).
If i do want to activate ToolTalk with rpc bind do i put:
In file: /etc/rc.conf
thanks nedry
rpcbind() is used to make port reservations for network communication:
The rpcbind utility is a server that converts RPC program numbers into
universal addresses. It must be running on the host to be able to make
RPC calls on a server on that machine.

When an RPC service is started, it tells rpcbind the address at which it
is listening, and the RPC program numbers it is prepared to serve. When
a client wishes to make an RPC call to a given program number, it first
contacts rpcbind on the server machine to determine the address where RPC
requests should be sent.

rpcbind will likely be required even for local communications.

I also found some troubleshooting documentation for tool talk - maybe that gives you some additional pointers:
Ok a few developments i added:
to: /etc/rc.conf and rebooted the system. Same error when starting CDE I tried manually starting tooltalk same error. As far as i can see rpcbind is enabled and running.
If tooltalk is running, you could attempt troubleshooting with rpcinfo() whether you're facing some rpc issue. It should help you check, whether rpc communication ports are correctly registered.

If that doesn't help, it'll probably need a look into the tooltalk code for further hints how to troubleshoot. I suppose you did check the logs fur any additional data? Not sure, whether tool talk sticks to syslog messaging or does its own thing for logging.
When you do ps alxww, do you see a ttsession running, like this?

slippy$ ps alxww | grep -v grep | grep ttsession
1000 3081 1 2 20 0 33372 8700 select I - 0:00.02 /usr/local/dt/bin/ttsession -s

Is it running under your user account?

Which version of cde are you running? 2.3.2 or 2.4.0?