CD drive noice

Hi everyone!

My CD drive is quite noisy at high speed and when I watch DVD films this noise is very disturbing. Is it possible to regulate the speed of disk rotation in CD drive?

Thanks for your answers.
I've seen some (recent) PCs having options in the BIOS for tuning HDs/DVDs for noise/speed/power consumption/...
Maybe you can start checking there.
If somebody interested, I have found the solution. MPlayer can tune CD/DVD routing speed.

For audio CD:
-cdda <option1:option2> (CDDA only)
              This  option can be used to tune the CD Audio read-
              ing feature of MPlayer.

              Available options are:

                      Set CD spin speed.
For DVD disks:
       -dvd-speed <factor or speed in KB/s> (DVD only)
              Try to limit DVD speed  (default:  0,  no  change).
              DVD base speed is about 1350KB/s, so a 8x drive can
              read at speeds up to 10800KB/s.  Slower speeds make
              the  drive  more  quiet, for watching DVDs 2700KB/s
              should be quiet and fast  enough.   MPlayer  resets
              the  speed  to  the  drive  default value on close.
              Values less than 100 mean  multiples  of  1350KB/s,
              i.e. -dvd-speed 8 selects 10800KB/s.
              NOTE:  You  need  write access to the DVD device to
              change the speed.