Well I really kinda messed it up. I really need to do better on the recovery front. Anyway,
I was trying to install www/uzbl browser. I guess it upgraded a library. Now I get
When I try to login. I understand I made a mistake not leaving root on the sh(1) shell. How can I recover. I tried to log in as single user but it won't let me make changes to the default shell like with
I was trying to install www/uzbl browser. I guess it upgraded a library. Now I get
Shared object "libncursesw.so.5.9" not found, required by "zsh"
When I try to login. I understand I made a mistake not leaving root on the sh(1) shell. How can I recover. I tried to log in as single user but it won't let me make changes to the default shell like with
pw_temp (): Read only file system.