Solved Can't access single user mode

I've made a few changes to my boot/loader.conf and upon rebooting the system, I'm now stuck in a reboot loop and I cannot even access single user mode....
Here is the screenshot.
Could anyone please advise?

Thank you

I managed to boot from DVD and when I access the shell, the /boot/loader.conf is not my custom file..
What have I missed?

Thank you
I managed to boot from DVD and when I access the shell, the /boot/loader.conf is not my custom file..
Because since you are using the live system, so you are accessing the /boot/loader.conf file of the live system. How chrbr and getopt said, you should mount the root partition of your HD, that contains /boot, somewhere, and then edit your loader.conf. Check /dev to identify your partition (i.e. ada0s1a if you are using MBR, or da0p1 with GPT).

umm not sure what I am mounting though :(
It might depend on the file system. If it is UFS something as mount /dev/ada0p2 /mnt or so should work. If it is zfs you might need to import the pool and assign a mount point. Since I am not yet completely familiar with zfs somebody else might have an advice. Nevertheless I wish you success!
Hi all,
Thank you very much for your help.
I have root on zfs so I followed the intructions provided by Datapanic and sudenly my problem is in the past :)...

Thank you very much