Solved Canonical feature documentation for elfctl?

Out of curiosity, I'm looking for the available features that can be set with elfctl(). I understand it's likely going to be release specific, i.e. wxneeded won't be available before 13-RELEASE.

I've stumbled across this PR, but I suppose there's got to be some other man page or documentation (apart from reading the source code), that tells me the available features?

Anyone got any suggestions/ideas? I'm wondering whether I'm missing something obvious?
Lol, those who can read are certainly ahead of the rest...

Somehow, I missed the -l option:
$ elfctl -l
Known features are:
noaslr          Disable ASLR
noprotmax       Disable implicit PROT_MAX
nostackgap      Disable stack gap
wxneeded        Requires W+X mappings
la48            amd64: Limit user VA to 48bit
Many commands have a -h or --help option to give you a short 'help', it's so common it's always worth a try. Especially if you have no other documentation (like a man page).