Hello, this is not necessarily a FreeBSD specific problem but this is the only tech forum I am registered to so hopefully someone here can help me out. Anyways, I am having an issue where I have a 128gb micro sd card for my mp3 player which is a FiiO X1, which is using an msdosfs filesystem. Basically for some strange reason I cannot write or delete anything on the card. I have tried plugging it into my Debian system and also my Windows XP system. What happens is that I will write to it, say like put a new directory of mp3s or write something as simple as a textfile that says "Hello." I write to it, then I unmount it and when I go to check if the file is there, it is not, it is as though I didn't put anything new onto the card. I have even plugged it into my FreeBSD system and ran
to zero out the card, it runs fine, I unplug it, plug it back in, and see that the entire directory structure is still intact. I even tried using the sd card adapter and plugging it in via the adapter onto my Debian laptop and get the same issue. It was working fine about a week ago and I would hate to have to get a new card as the 128gb ones are rather expensive. Any ideas? Thanks.
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0