ZFS Can unprivileged user create encrypted filesystem?

Try to create encrypted filesystem as user. Earlier I allow permission:

zfs allow sailorsamoor encryption,create zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor

But I get this:

temp% zfs create -o encryption=on -o keyformat=passphrase -o keylocation=prompt zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted
Enter new passphrase:
Re-enter new passphrase:
cannot create 'zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted': permission denied
Grant user mount privileges:
sysctl vfs.usermount=1
Permanently in /etc/sysctl.conf.

Set allow permissions:
zfs allow -u sailorsamoor encryption,load-key,keyformat,keylocation zroot/home/sailorsamoor
load-key to load / unload encryption key of ZFS dataset and mount / umount encrypted dataset.
zfs mount -l <enc_dataset>
zfs umount -u <enc_dataset>

create,destroy,mount,snapshot normally are on by default for user home dataset, when created by adduser(8) (>=13.4, >=14.1).
Grant user mount privileges:
sysctl vfs.usermount=1
Permanently in /etc/sysctl.conf.

Set allow permissions:
zfs allow -u sailorsamoor encryption,load-key,keyformat,keylocation zroot/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted
load-key to load / unload encryption key of ZFS dataset and mount / umount encrypted dataset.
zfs mount -l <enc_dataset>
zfs umount -u <enc_dataset>

create,destroy,mount,snapshot normally are on by default for user home dataset, when created by adduser(8) (>=13.4, >=14.1).
I did:
# zfs allow -u sailorsamoor create,mount,encryption,load-key,keyformat,keylocation zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor

What I getting:
temp% zfs umount -u zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted/OneDrive
temp% zfs mount -l zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted/OneDrive
cannot mount 'zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted/OneDrive': Insufficient privileges

I can mount. Umount I can't.
Do you have a mount point assigned in the dataset?

zfs get mountpoint zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted/OneDrive

What are the values of the ACL properties in your dataset? aclmode, aclinherit. What are the permissions for that mount point? chmod(1) chown(1) setfacl(1)
zfs-allow(8) permissions are granted for user "sailorsamoor",
zfs allow -u sailorsamoor create,mount,encryption,load-key,keyformat,keylocation zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor

but you are logged in as user "temp", who doesn't have privileges to mount those specific encrypted datasets.
temp% zfs mount -l zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted/OneDrive
cannot mount 'zroot/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted/OneDrive': Insufficient privileges

Edit: Privileges to mount at those specific mount points, to be exactly. A user can only mount at a mount point that belongs to the mounting user.

/usr/home/sailorsamoor/encrypted and ../encrypted/OneDrive are owned by user "sailorsamoor". User "temp" can't mount on those mountpoints.