Solved Can the kernel be updated regardless of the FreeBSD version?

Something I would like to know is if in FreeBSD for example the kernel can be updated as it would be done with the GNU / Linux operating system that its obvious kernel is Linux and you can download new versions and install them.
Or is the FreeBSD kernel only updated by installing a new version of the operating system?

Just to clarify this I ask just for curiosity nothing more and I do not intend to bother anyone with so many questions that I have asked in a short time.
If you build from source the first thing to install is the new kernel, then yes you can update the kernel without updating userland, but you will have kernel and userland out of sync, and this is not a good idea specially between major releases; however if you are talking about RELENG updates, that often just have bring kernel updates/fixes, still you will be updating just the kernel.
You need to realize the userland (aka 'world') and kernel are treated as a whole. The kernel isn't a separate entity as it is on Linux.