Can not Mount USB Drive (exfat)

Hi, I have just started with BSD on virtualbox. I am quite inexperienced and haven't really used Linux much other than some basic tasks at work. The entire setup was done by the IT team, and I just used the commands to get my tasks done - grep, job submission, etc. I also have a ubuntu installation on virtualbox, so I can cross check certain things.

I fumbled around a bit and finally got the following sorted
1. portsnap fetch extract and extracted the ports.
2. cd /usr/ports/sysutils/fusefs-exfat/
3. make config-recursive, then make fetch-recursive, then make install clean (How do I confirm if it has installed properly?)
4. I also downloaded and installed pkg and sudo.

I have a exfat formatted pendrive that I have to access. It is present at /dev/da0. I made my mount directory at /mnt/usbstick. When I use

sudo mount -t exfat /dev/da0 /mnt/usbstick (also tried using slash after da0/)

I get the following error
mount: /dev/da0: Operation not supported by device

file -s da0 gives
da0: DOS/MBR boot sector; partition 1 : ID=0x7, start-CHS (0x0,4,5), end-CHS (0x3ff,254,63), startsector 256, 62815999 sectors, extended partition table (last)

file -s da0s1 gives
da0s1: DOS/MBR boot sector

I tried it on ubuntu and can confirm it is in exfat format. I used the same sudo mount -t exfat commands and it worked (it was at /dev/sdb1). I tried unmounting and re mounting multiple times. I also tried checking -t ntfs and it sent an error.

Please guide me. I intend to switch to ZFS file system eventually but at the moment I want to make it work with exFAT since I'm stuck with windows for a lot of other tasks.

Thank you.
How do I confirm if it has installed properly?
With pkg info fusefs-ext, or a bit more lazy pkg info | grep fuse

Are you sure you mount the right partition? Can you show ls /dev | grep da0?

Also, *not sure*, you might have to load the fuse kernel module, kldload fuse
..For anybody else searching for the same thing, I tried these instructions and ended up being asked for my password many many times until I (I think) typed it incorrectly and the process exited with an error. Back to researching how to do it properly. A great ExFAT use explanation by MicSKI exfat-fuse manual page

mount exFat​

  • sudo pkg search exfat
  • pkg info fusefs-exfat
  • sudo pkg install fusefs-exfat
  • sudo mount.exfat-fuse /dev/da0p1 /media/da0p1
  • FUSE exfat 1.3.0
  • mount
  • /dev/da0p2 on /media/da0p2 (msdosfs, local, noatime)
  • /dev/da0p1 on /media/da0p1 (fusefs)
  • ls -l /media/da0p1
  • umount /dev/da0p1 or umount /media/da0p1
  • ls -l /media

mount NTFS​

ntfs-3g mount command for NTFS file system
  • Do first gpart show
  • Install: ntfs-3g
  • pkg search ntfs
  • pkg info fusefs-ntfs
  • pkg list fusefs-ntfs
  • pkg install fusefs-ntfs
  • Write: #
    ntfs-3g /dev/da5s1 /mnt
  • da5s1 is an example
  • /mnt is the mountpoint directory you wish to use
  • open Thunar and go to /mnt directory to view files mounted there from /dev/da5s1
  • Thunar shows you the content of your device and you can work with it
  • Caja does not always show you contents
  • ls -lh /mnt
  • mount
  • ls -lh /media
  • umount /mnt

mount FAT32​

See also msdosfs and mount_msdosfs

  • Do first
    gpart show
  • Write:#
    mount -t msdosfs /dev/da5s1 /mnt
  • da5s1 is an example
  • /mnt is the mountpoint you wish
  • open Thunar and go to /mnt
  • Thunar shows you the content of your device and you can work with it
  • Caja does not always

usbconfig list
dmesg | tail -20
4. I also downloaded and installed pkg and sudo.

That's all you need for this.

# pkg install fusefs-exfat exfat-utils

I have a exfat formatted pendrive that I have to access. It is present at /dev/da0. I made my mount directory at /mnt/usbstick. When I use

sudo mount -t exfat /dev/da0 /mnt/usbstick (also tried using slash after da0/)

I get the following error
mount: /dev/da0: Operation not supported by device

mount -t exfat doesn't work with exfat-fusefs. You need to use mount.exfat instead.

Read the included manuals.

file -s da0 gives
da0: DOS/MBR boot sector; partition 1 : ID=0x7, start-CHS (0x0,4,5), end-CHS (0x3ff,254,63), startsector 256, 62815999 sectors, extended partition table (last)

file -s da0s1 gives
da0s1: DOS/MBR boot sector

I tried it on ubuntu and can confirm it is in exfat format. I used the same sudo mount -t exfat commands and it worked (it was at /dev/sdb1).

... which suggests it will be at /dev/da0s1 but show us:

# gpart show -p da0

Please guide me. I intend to switch to ZFS file system eventually but at the moment I want to make it work with exFAT since I'm stuck with windows for a lot of other tasks.

Exfat is the only common format that handles huge files and volumes, is useful and reportedly r/w reliable.