Building custom kernel on multicore system

After struggling with audio issues for a while, I discovered that my sound card *might* be supported by the OSS package. (Creative X-Fi XtremeMusic.) However this package requires a custom kernel be built without the builtin sound module. So I've set about building the kernel.

It is building right now, but is taking an extremely long time. On other operating systems, I have been able to vastly speed up code compilation by adding '-j <# of threads>" to the 'make' command. However this option appears to be absent on FreeBSD, or at least on my vanilla/generic install. Is there any way to compile a custom kernel using more than one core/thread?

EDIT: Successfully compiled on 12 threads. The build commands are a little different on FreeBSD than I'm used to, and I just needed to issue something like this:

# make -j 12 buildkernel KERNCONF=NOSOUND
# make -j 12 buildkernel KERNCONF=NOSOUND
For the record, I always do:
# make -j <n> KERNCONF=WHATEVER buildkernel # (or kernel for build & install)
Looking at the make(1) man page I'm quite certain I'm correct and your KERNCONF=NOSOUND will be interpreted as a build target:
     make ...
        [variable=value] [target ...]