C Build2

So, I went about on my epic quest to port my game as it is, to FreeBSD. The first thing I did was get lost in the file system. After I found my way out, with help, I started working to move to a build system that wasn't an IDE. I did try to use CMake before. I had nothing but a bad time with it. Mostly because I didn't know it. Aside from just not knowing it, I was told that online a lot of the information is very wrong, or out dated, even on their site.

So I decided on Build2. I quickly set out, find what little documentation I can get a hold of on the internet. I get something working. I feel confidant. So I move it to my project. Wonderful! I thought. I fight with the errors. I assumed most of the issue was moving from Clang to VS. And from Windows to FreeBSD. As I fixed several issues, I noticed most of the issues were undefined symbols.

So I went back to google. I got this! I look and look, and what I find is that it should be linking to lua automagically. Sadly the harder I search, the less I find about build2. Actually, did you know that Build2 is also the name of a game engine. But what's confusing me is that it's only complaining in main.cpp/ or other places it's not defined. but It's not giving the undefined symbol other .cpp files.

So; does anyone here know about build to? And is that okay to ask about here?

I don't know if the problem is with how I setup Build2 or if it's how I have my header files formatted.

Edit: I did just notice that Clang was saying it was having a linking issue. Error code 1. So I don't know what I'm failing to do. I'm sure it's obvious.
I called it! I wasn't linking it properly. The only issue is how? I got the it loading most of my libraries. All but lua. I actually do plan on start adding c++ 20 modules to my game. That's another major reason I picked build2. New build system, file system, and compiler leaves me with a bad day, lol.
libs = sfml-audio%lib{sfml-audio}
libs += sfml-network%lib{sfml-network}
libs += sfml-window%lib{sfml-window}
libs += sfml-graphics%lib{sfml-graphics}
libs += sfml-system%lib{sfml-system}
libs += Lua%lib{Lua}

exe{purrmaid}: {cxx hxx ixx txx}{**} $libs

(I don't intend this as a bump. If this isn't how I should update my status if you will, let me know, and I'll just edit next time.)

Edit: From a little googling, is Lua5.3.5 actively supported and maintained? I went into /usr/local/lib/lua and the sub directories are empty. That's likely the last of my issues *I think*. Don't get me wrong, I have no idea what I'm doing. I'll try compiling lua and see if that works. Tomorrow