Solved Build error when I try to compile the qt5-webengine from ports

Hello. I have reinstalled FreeBSD on a ZFS fs. I have tried to compile qt5-webengine several times,but everytime I get the same error. Before reporting the failure to the maintainer,I would like to know if I can fix it with your help. If I don't fix this error,some ports that depends about it don't work and I can't compile kde5 from sources.

marietto@marietto:/usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine # uname -a

FreeBSD marietto 13.0-RELEASE-p8 FreeBSD 13.0-RELEASE-p8 #0: Tue Mar 15 09:36:28 UTC 2022

The variable "use_system_yasm" was set as a build argument but never appeared in a declare_args() block in any buildfile.

To view all possible args, run "gn args --list <out_dir>"

The build continued as if that argument was unspecified.

Done. Made 12713 targets from 2024 files in 3758ms
*** [sub-gn_run-pro-make_first] Error code 6

make[4]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src/pdf
1 error

make[4]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src/pdf
*** [sub-pdf-make_first] Error code 2

make[3]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src
4 errors

make[3]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src
*** [sub-src-make_first] Error code 2

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build
1 error

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build
===> Compilation failed unexpectedly.
Try to set MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE=yes and rebuild before reporting the failure to
the maintainer.
I have, "make MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE=yes" also does not work.
c++: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
*** Error code 1
make[4]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src/process
*** Error code 1
make[3]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src
*** Error code 1
make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build
*** Error code 1
make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine
*** Error code 1
make: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine
Have you check if the linker didn't just die of out of memory ?
Qt WebEngine is based off chromium which is known to require a lot of memory to build/link, so at least 8Gb of memory is needed (16Gb is recommended).
And in case of zfs arc not responding quickly to the memory pressure, it may be necessary to temporally limit the zfs arc size to a minimum (512 mb should be ok), in order to build Qt WebEngine (and any chromium derivative project)
Would be interesting to look at the real message and not just the reports from make. Error 6 means a missing device, so this might be a local strangeness. (The real messages are somewhere drowned within the other approx. 1000000 error messages from that build.)
And sorry, I currently only build it for 12.3
I tried again and it compiled succesfully.

I can see that this thread is over two years old now. I understand that you got a solution to this issue. What exactly did you do to solve this?

I have a very similar issue. Tried on 2 different machines, both have enough RAM (32GB). The system is the latest (14.1). Nothing seems to help. Also, I have built this before several times.

Done. Made 14473 targets from 2283 files in 10600ms
*** [sub-gn_run-pro-make_first] Error code 6

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src/pdf
1 error

make[2]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src/pdf
*** [sub-pdf-make_first] Error code 2

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src
4 errors

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build/src
*** [sub-src-make_first] Error code 2

make: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build
1 error

make: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine/work/.build
===> Compilation failed unexpectedly.
Try to set MAKE_JOBS_UNSAFE=yes and rebuild before reporting the failure to
the maintainer.
*** Error code 1

make[1]: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine
*** Error code 1

make: stopped in /usr/ports/www/qt5-webengine

Any help is appreciated.
The actual error is further up in the log.
Hm, maybe not. Do You have a proper /dev filesystem in the build environment?

I have seen this error when I had forgotten to mount /dev, and some builds would expect their /dev/null or such.
The actual error is further up in the log.
Hm, maybe not. Do You have a proper /dev filesystem in the build environment?

I have seen this error when I had forgotten to mount /dev, and some builds would expect their /dev/null or such.
Yes, I have /dev and /dev/null. Also, just started a new build to capture the log, but actually checked the logs before and I didn't see any errors before that I just posted here.

Any good ideas how to diagnose this?
We know it has built on the buildservers. So there must be something different.
But how to isolate the difference now and make it visible?

With enough time and resources, I would install a fresh distribution into a guest, and let the build run there in pristine conditions. Sadly it's quite big, and quite high up in the dependency tree. There could also be something wrong with one of the dependencies, e.g. qmake.