Bug with DualScreen

I all !

I'm just a Newbie on FreeBSD, and i have setup the 8.1RELEASE AMD64 on my computer.
It works fine, but the only problem is with my dual Screen.

I have a old NVIDIA graphic card (6200gt AGPx8 256Mb) but it work fine.

The bug is when my mouse cross a screen to go on the second. It can works fine durong one day, and in a crossover time(mouse to screen1=>2), the system crash.

This bug is randomly, it can bug at anytime... (suspense ! =) )

So on IRC, people say that i must upgrade to FreeBSD8.2RC1 and compile my own kernel.

Now it's made, but with this configuration, i have already the same bug after many hours of use.

If anyone have an idea/solution...

Thanks for all and sorry for my bad english. �e
Since you're using a dual screen setup you're most likely using the binary NVidia driver (x11/nvidia-driver). This driver is written and supported by NVidia. You're therefor more likely to get help on the NVidia support forums.

nV News Forums; NVIDIA FreeBSD

Also make sure you're using the latest driver version for your card. The stable version numbers can also be found on the nvnews forum.
Thank you for your Answer.

I will post again my bug in this forum.

I'm Using the x11/nvidia-driver from the ports, and Xinerama is on.

I've checked my version driver and it was the 195.xxx, so I have removed it and set up the lastest by the port... now it's the version 256.53.

Maybe it could be work better with the latest version! �e
If I recall correctly, there was a bug in the older nvidia driver relating to dual screens, as I had a dual screen set back then around the (195 driver time).

If you not using it try x11/nvidia-settings, it makes setting up dual screen with the nivida driver beyond simple.
I have setup x11/nvidia-settings after configuring my xorg.conf manually x(

But there is more 24 hours that FreeBSD doesn't freeze anymore.
Let's rock �e

But I prefer to wait some time before setting the post as resolved, to be sure, there is no more bug.