I've uploaded my FVWM2 configuration (and my theme named bluth) to my homepage
feel free to download and use.
extract fvwm configuration to home directory (files will be under ~/.fvwm)
extract icons to whatever directory
and edit ~/.fvwm/Config/path.fvwm2rc
you need ImageMagick for thumbnails to appear
you need GraphicsMagick for wallpapers to be converted to png (you can replace anyone of them to other one, and use only one, i picked bough, because GM converts images between different formats faster, while IM is resizing faster)
you will need to modify it to fit your applications.
I use:
firefox3 - www
geany - editor
uxterm - terminal
rox-filer - file manager
thunderbird - mailer
xchat2 - chat
ooo3 -
if you got questions, problems, or something else you want to say please post here.
also i was making this config for a very long, long time, so if you decide it's good (and i believe it is), don't be lase push the thanks button (it'll make me feel very happy)
It's late night, g2g2Sleep
feel free to download and use.
extract fvwm configuration to home directory (files will be under ~/.fvwm)
extract icons to whatever directory
and edit ~/.fvwm/Config/path.fvwm2rc
you need ImageMagick for thumbnails to appear
you need GraphicsMagick for wallpapers to be converted to png (you can replace anyone of them to other one, and use only one, i picked bough, because GM converts images between different formats faster, while IM is resizing faster)
you will need to modify it to fit your applications.
I use:
firefox3 - www
geany - editor
uxterm - terminal
rox-filer - file manager
thunderbird - mailer
xchat2 - chat
ooo3 -
if you got questions, problems, or something else you want to say please post here.
also i was making this config for a very long, long time, so if you decide it's good (and i believe it is), don't be lase push the thanks button (it'll make me feel very happy)
It's late night, g2g2Sleep