Best way to upgrade ports

Good day!

I'm planning to upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2. My ports were last updated with portsnap 5 monthes ago.

After performing the upgrade from 7.1 to 7.2 I'll want to update ports using portsnap and do the following:

1. Upgrade one or two ports that I need newer versions (as far as
I understand all dependencies should be upgraded too).

2. Upgrade each and every other ports when the server will have spare time.

Please advice which tool to use to perform (1). portmanager, portupgrade?

What things I should care about to make this process smooth?

Thanks in advance!
Thanks, guys!

How safe is to be "partially-updated", so to have latest ports in /usr/ports/ but not all installed software update to these versions?

I mean 'safe' not in terms of security (but thanks for portaudit tip anyway :)), but if I can upgrade the other ports later?
