Be careful if you go pick mushrooms

There is one Galerina marginata (deadly) between several Kuehneromyces mutabilis (yummy) growing on the same trunk.
Can you spot it?

Interesting... I would guess it's the middle tall one
That would be my guess too. The top is shaped a little differently (it's flatter) than the others and the stem looks different too (it's mostly smooth, the others have a pattern on it).
You both are correct.
the stem looks different too (it's mostly smooth, the others have a pattern on it).
And this is how you tell them apart. Kuehneromyces mutabilis has scales on the stem below the ring, Galerina marginata has not.
But as the picture shows, you REALLY have to check EVERY single mushroom.
You both are correct.

And this is how you tell them apart. Kuehneromyces mutabilis has scales on the stem below the ring, Galerina marginata has not.
But as the picture shows, you REALLY have to check EVERY single mushroom.
Bingo! I wouldn't be dead then
I probably would have died, only because you said there was a difference I was able to distinguish it. I probably would have picked the whole bunch without checking. But then again, I'm not a mushroom guy, don't like their texture. I'd be looking for berries for survival. But you can die from picking the wrong berries too. I'm not much of a survival expert, so unless I found some canned foods I'd probably just starve to death.
And then, with your luck, you'd pick the can that was slightly bloated from botulism and die from that anyway.
At least with canned food I'm able to recognize that ;) A "use by date" or "use before" is a good indication too. But would at least open one to have a smell and see how it looks if it's past that date.
I'd be actually skipping 'em all, just thanks to the collars on the stems. But I'm open to learning about new yummy stuff 🤤 .
I'd think #1 and #5. My reasoning is that they're the only ones with solid-colored caps. But beyond that - I'm clueless. Normally, if you're clueless about something, it's basic common sense not to pick that variety. Or, if you know for sure that a variety is poisonous, then don't pick that, either.
When a can's date is past the labeled by the use by date, it usually means that the vitamin content has reduced. Bloated cans, look and smell are what tells you if it's bad.

I can't tell from the mushrooms. 4 has a biscuit top. 5 has light spots; 1 almost has spots, but in a different way. 2 has a cleave in it.

Maybe 4 and 7. 4 has a biscuit top, and 7 looks the closest to that shape. It's hard to tell, because it's tilted down.
Yeah, picking Kuehneromyces mutabilis is absolutely only for experts. There are too many look-alikes which are either deadly (Galerina marginata) or otherwise unpleasant.
4 and 7 are Hypholoma fasciculare, the rest are Kuehneromyces mutabilis.
I admit that this time the riddle was a bit harder to solve. 🍄
I would have never guessed! This is why I generally skip mushrooms that look like that, and give strange looks to people who do pick those. Either they actually know what they're doing, or are experimenting (which I would actively discourage).