Other Bar for labwc

Ok, lately I've been going through a couple of the wayland (is the W capitalized) window managers, trying to make them as much like the main two I use in X, openbox and dwm. The labwc one is very much like openbox, I think Alain De Vos has mentioned using it, and today, while trying to research this question, I see that NapoleonWils0n has one of his youtube vids on it. (I know he mentioned having to move to it after a dwl upgrade lost a feature that he'd used.)
Anyway, I've figured out just about everything--went on irc last night to try to find out about the GoToDesktop command, as I'd seen an old post on reddit, saying it wasn't working, and went to ask if that was still true (it wasn't--I'm embarrassed to give the solution, but as I'm noble, I will mention it in case it helps someone in the future. The default rc.xml file has all the possible lines for separate desktops in a commented section--I had missed that they were commented, so couldn't get to a non-existent desktop. To my credit, I did figure it out myself, I went to irc to verify if it was still a problem, found it wasn't, and went to re-examine my rc.xml file, but I digress)
So, my question now is a bar to do what tint2 does. I can get either waybar or sfwbar to do pretty much what tint does--give the date and the names of open applications--but I can't get it to say what desktop I'm on. For example, with a tint2 bar, if I move over to desktop 2, the bar has desktop 2 at the top.

Doing web searching, it seems as if none of the suggested bars do this feature. The only thing I saw was someone who added some customization so that he could click on a different desktop to get to it. I don't need that, I can use keyboard shortcuts, but it would be nice to see what desktop I'm on. Does anyone know of a bar that will do that?
It's more a First World Problem, as I'm not using the laptop with wayland for anything really important. More one of those things that I feel I should be able to do, but can't.

I'd appreciate any insight.
i found exactly the same problem with labwc and other wayland window managers

its hard to find a bar that would show the workspaces

dwl uses dwlb for the bar
wayfire has a bar called wf-shell ( ithink )

a lot of the bars i found that are available in the freebsd repos just arent very good
and they tend to have config files that are a pain to set up