Are you bothered by cluttered desktop?

Under FreeBSD Gnome (HAL) on boot mounts all computer's partitions and puts their icons on Desktop by default.
Do you like that?
Sure: record those to fstab or to .fdi file in 20thirdparty to prevent HAL to mount them.
But we are talking about Gnome aka fully "moused" desktop.
In Linux they did arrange things so that no partitions are mounted by default but their icons are presented in Computer and Removable Media to mount with 1 click (and umount with 1 click)...
2 ways above remove those icons from Computer and Removable Media...
>In Linux they did arrange things

In Linux they didn't arrange anything, it depends on the distro. And as mentioned above, it's up to you to configure it the way you like it :-)
Open gconf-editor, browse to:

apps -> nautilus -> desktop. Unmark volumes_visible.

Another is

apps -> nautilus -> preferences. Unmark media_automount.
Thanks SirDice, media_automount works.
Now only thing remaining to figure out is how with media_automount set to false (unchecked) anyway automount only usb-sticks and CDs as inserted.
By other words how to automount only usb-sticks and CDs without automounting HDD partitions?

PS. Yes, config depends on a distro: Ubuntu, Sabayon and Suse don't automount but allow mounting with 1 click, Mandriva mounts anyway whatever is done with gconf.
Note. Personally I have no problems with cli and thus manual mounting. I'm just trying to get things working as they supposed to. The more people use FreeBSD the greater opportunities for its developers and all of us.
It's been a while since I used GNOME but there should be an option in nautilus (I think) that allows you to select which type of volume is or isn't mounted automatically. If you set it to false it should still be able to mount when you double click on the icon.