apache admin config

is such program needed will be to someone?

that were users which will have sites? to configure and create automatically vhost in apache?

I on your own wrote almost!!

but it is here better to purchase cpanel, plesk or ispmaneger

<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin rr522@dfghg.com
DocumentRoot /home/ab/www/data
ServerName mydomain.com
ServerAlias mydomain.com *.ydomain.com
CustomLog /home/ab/log/httpd-access.log combined
ErrorDocument 101 http://s.org

use Apache::Admin::Config;
my $conf = new Apache::Admin::Config '/$qhost',
  or die $Apache::Admin::Config::ERROR;
my $vhost;
my %templ_value;
my $templ_value;
my ( $serveradmin, $serveralis, $costomlog, $errorlog, @drtvs4 );
foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {

    if ( $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver ) {
        $serveradmin = $vh->directive('ServerAdmin');
        $serveralis  = $vh->directive('ServerAlias');
        $costomlog   = $vh->directive('CustomLog');
        $errorlog    = $vh->directive('ErrorLog');
        @drtvs4      = $vh->directive('ErrorDocument');

my $template = HTML::Template->new(
    filename          => $dir . 'tempele-apache22-aid.html',
    die_on_bad_params => '0'
my $url = $query->url( -relative => 1 );
$template->param( URL => $url );
$template->param( AID => $aid );

if ( defined($saa) ) {
    if ($serveradmin) {
        use Data::Validate::Email qw(is_email);
        if (
                   ( length($saa) )
                && ( 70 > length($saa) )
                && ( 5 < length($saa) )
            && ( is_email($saa) )
            foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                if ( $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver ) {

            #my  $okssa="ok add ServerAdmin";
        else { %templ_value = ( 'errorsa' => 1 ); }
    }   #else {  $vh->add_directive(ServerAdmin => $saa) }                     }

    if ($serveradmin) {

        #my ($serveradmin);
        # my $serveradmin=$vh->directive('ServerAdmin');
        %templ_value = ( serveradmin => $serveradmin );
    else { %templ_value = ( 'noserverserveradmin' => '1' ); }
    $template->param( NOSERVERADMIN => $templ_value{'noserverserveradmin'} );
    $template->param( SERVERADMIN   => $templ_value{'serveradmin'} );
    $template->param( ERRORSA       => $templ_value{'errorsa'} );
    my $addsa = $query->param("addsa");
    if ( defined($addsa) ) {
        use Data::Validate::Domain qw(is_domain);
        if (   ( ( 70 > length($addsa) ) && ( 4 < length($addsa) ) )
            && ( is_domain($addsa) ) )
            if ($serveralis) {

                #my $serveralis=$vh->directive('ServerAlias');
                my @serv_array = split( / /, $serveralis );
                my $n = scalar(@serv_array);
                my ( $match, $found, $item );
                foreach $item (@serv_array) {
                    if ( $item eq $addsa ) { $match = $item; $found = 1; last; }
                if ( !$found ) {
                    $serv_array[$n] = $addsa;
                    my $addsa2 = join( ' ', @serv_array );
                    foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                        if (
                            $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver )
                else { %templ_value = ( 'addsa_found' => '1' ); }
        else { %templ_value = ( 'addsa_noval' => '1' ); }
    my $sadelete = $query->param("sadelete");
    if ( defined($sadelete) ) {
        if ($serveralis) {
            my @serv_array;
            @serv_array = split( / /, $serveralis );
            my $n = scalar(@serv_array);
            delete( @serv_array[$sadelete] );
            my $addsa2 = join( ' ', @serv_array );
            foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                if ( $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver ) {
    my $allsa = $query->param("allsa");
    if ( defined($allsa) ) {
        my $satooall = $query->param("satooall");
        if ($serveralis) {
            $satooall = $query->param("satooall");
            my @serv_array;
            @serv_array = split( / /, $serveralis );
            my $n  = scalar(@serv_array);
            my $ss = "*.$nameserver";
            if ( ( defined($satooall) ) && ( $satooall eq "1" ) ) {
                if ( ( $n eq '2' ) && ( $serv_array[1] eq $ss ) ) {
                    %templ_value = ( 'satooall_in_use' => '1' );
                else {
                    my $allsa2 = "$nameserver2 $ss";
                    foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                        if (
                            $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver )
            elsif ( ( defined($satooall) ) && ( $satooall eq "2" ) ) {
                if ( ( $n > 0 ) && ( $serv_array[1] ne $ss ) ) {
                    %templ_value = ( 'nosatooall_in_use' => '1' );
                else {
                    my $allsa2 = $nameserver2;
                    foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                        if (
                            $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver )
            else { %templ_value = ( 'no_satooall_param' => '1' ); }
    my ( @serv_array, @array_for_template );
    if ($serveralis) {
        @serv_array = split( / /, $serveralis );
        my $n  = scalar(@serv_array);
        my $ss = "*.$nameserver";
        my $ns = 1;
        @array_for_template =
          map +{ savalue => $_, savalue2 => $aid, savalue3 => $ns++ },
        if ( ( $n eq 2 ) && ( $serv_array[1] eq $ss ) ) {
            %templ_value = ( 'temlp_serveralis_all' => '1' );
        else { %templ_value = ( 'notemlp_serveralis_all' => '1' ); }
    else { %templ_value = ( 'noserveralis' => '1' ); }
        TEMP_SERVERALIAS_ALL => $templ_value{'temlp_serveralis_all'} );
        NOTEMP_SERVERALIAS_ALL => $templ_value{'notemlp_serveralis_all'} );
    if ( $templ_value{'addsa_found'} ) {
        $template->param( ADDSA_FOUND => 'ServerAlias found, not added' );
    $template->param( ADDSA_NOVAL        => $templ_value{'addsa_noval'} );
    $template->param( SATOOALL_IN_USE    => $templ_value{'satooall_in_use'} );
    $template->param( NOSATOOALL_IN_USE  => $templ_value{'nosatooall_in_use'} );
    $template->param( NO_SATOOALL_IN_USE => $templ_value{'no_satooall_param'} );
    if ( $templ_value{'notemlp_serveralis_all'} ) {
        $template->param( SA8 => \@array_for_template );
    my $oneoffcl = $query->param("oneoffcl");
    if ( defined($oneoffcl) ) {
        my $clvalue = $query->param("clvalue");
        if ( $clvalue eq '1' ) {
            if ($costomlog) { %templ_value = ( 'customlog_in_use' => '1' ); }
            else {
                my $dircl = "/home/$qhost/log/httpd-access.log combined";
                foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                    if ( $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver ) {
                        $vh->add_directive( CustomLog => $dircl );
        elsif ( $clvalue eq '2' ) {
            if ($costomlog) {
                foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                    if ( $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver ) {
            else { %templ_value = ( 'no_customlog_in_use' => '1' ); }
        else { %templ_value = ( 'no_clvalue' => '1' ); }
    my $type_cl = $query->param("type_cl");
    if ( defined($type_cl) ) {
        my $typecls = $query->param("typecls");
        if ($costomlog) {
            my $customl_type = $costomlog;
            my ( $file, $typelog ) = split( / /, $customl_type );
            if ( ( $typecls eq '0' ) && ( $typelog eq 'combined' ) ) {
                %templ_value = ( 'typecls_in_use_combined' => '1' );
            elsif ( ( $typecls eq '0' ) && ( $typelog ne 'combined' ) ) {
                my $typecls_value = "$file combined";
                foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                    if ( $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver ) {
            elsif ( ( $typecls eq '1' ) && ( $typelog eq 'common' ) ) {
                %templ_value = ( 'typecls_in_use_common' => '1' );
            elsif ( ( $typecls eq '1' ) && ( $typelog ne 'common' ) ) {
                my $typecls_value = "$file common";
                foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                    if ( $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver ) {
            else { %templ_value = ( 'no_typecls' => '1' ); }
        else { %templ_value = ( 'no_cl' => '1' ); }
    if ($costomlog) {
        $template->param( CLTRUE => '1' );
        my ( $file, $typelog ) = split( / /, $costomlog );
        if ( $typelog eq 'combined' ) {
            $template->param( CLT_CD => '1' );
        elsif ( $typelog eq 'common' ) {
            %templ_value = ( 'customlogtype_cn' => '1' );
        else { %templ_value = ( 'nocustomlogtype' => '1' ); }
    else { %templ_value = ( 'nocustomlog' => '1' ); }
    $template->param( CLT_CN       => $templ_value{'customlogtype_cn'} );
    $template->param( NOCLT        => $templ_value{'nocustomlogtype'} );
    $template->param( NOCLTRUE     => $templ_value{'nocustomlog'} );
    $template->param( CL_IN_USE    => $templ_value{'customlog_in_use'} );
    $template->param( NO_CL_IN_USE => $templ_value{'no_customlog_in_use'} );
    $template->param( NO_CLVALUE   => $templ_value{'no_clvalue'} );
        TYPE_CL_IN_USE_D => $templ_value{'typecls_in_use_combined'} );
        TYPE_CL_IN_USE_C => $templ_value{'typecls_in_use_common'} );
    $template->param( NOTYPE_CL    => $templ_value{'no_typecls'} );
    $template->param( NO_CL_IN_USE => $templ_value{'no_cl'} );

    if ($errorlog) {
        %templ_value = ( 'errorlogtrue' => '1' );
    else { %templ_value = ( 'noerrorlog' => '1' ); }
    $template->param( ERRORLOG   => $templ_value{'notemlp_serveralis_all'} );
    $template->param( NOERRORLOG => $templ_value{'notemlp_serveralis_all'} );
    my ( $type_errord, $tttt, $match_index2, @drtvs3 );
    my $error_typeer_edadd;

    sub eett1 {
        my ( $type_errord, $edvalue, $edtvalue ) = @_;
        if ( $type_errord ne '1' ) {
            use Data::Validate::URI qw(is_uri);
            if (   ( !length($edvalue) )
                || ( 65 < length($edvalue) )
                || ( 5 > length($edvalue) )
                || ( !is_uri($edvalue) ) )
                my $error_typedoc2 = "1";
                $error_typedoc = \$error_typedoc2;
                return $error_typedoc;
        if ( ( $type_errord > 0 ) && ( ( 3 == length($edtvalue) ) ) ) {
            my ( $found, $item );
            my @er_array = (
                100, 101, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 300,
                301, 302, 303, 304, 305, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404,
                405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412, 413, 414,
                415, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505
            foreach $item (@er_array) {
                if ( $item eq $edtvalue ) { $found = 1; last; }
            if ( !$found ) {
                my $error_type2 = "1";
                $error_type = \$error_type2;
                return $error_type;
            my $tttt2 = "1";
            $tttt = \$tttt2;
            return $tttt;

    sub eett2 {
        my ( $edtvalue, @drtvs4 ) = @_;
        for my $loopindex ( 0 .. $#drtvs4 ) {
            my ( $key, $value ) = split( / /, $drtvs4[$loopindex] );
            push( @drtvs3, { $key => $value } );
        my ( $match_key, $match_index, $found );
        for my $loopindex ( 0 .. $#drtvs3 ) {
            for my $key2 ( keys %{ $drtvs3[$loopindex] } ) {
                if ( $key2 eq $edtvalue ) {
                    $match_key   = $key2;
                    $match_index = $loopindex;
                    $found       = 1;
        print $match_index;
        if ( !$found && $type_errord ne '2' ) {
            my $error_typeer2 = "1";
            $error_typeer = \$error_typeer2;
            return $error_typeer;
        if ( $found && $type_errord eq '2' ) {
            my $error_typeer_edadd2 = "1";
            $error_typeer_edadd = \$error_typeer_edadd2;
            return $error_typeer_edadd;
        $match_index2 = \$match_index;
        return ( @drtvs3, $match_index2 );
    my $eddelete = $query->param("eddelete");
    my $edadd    = $query->param("edadd");
    my $edchange = $query->param("edchange");
    if ( $eddelete || $edchange || $edadd ) {
        my $edtvalue = $query->param("edtvalue");
        my $edvalue  = $query->param("edvalue");

        if ( ( defined($eddelete) ) && (@drtvs4) ) {
            $type_errord = "1";
        elsif ( defined($edadd) ) {
            $type_errord = "2";
        elsif ( ( defined($edchange) ) && (@drtvs4) ) {
            $type_errord = "3";
        else { my $type_errord = "0"; }

        eett1( $type_errord, $edvalue, $edtvalue );
        if (
            && eett2( $edtvalue, @drtvs4 )
            && (   ( defined($$match_index2) && $type_errord ne '2' )
                || ( !defined($$error_typeer_edadd) && $type_errord eq '2' ) )
            if ( ( $type_errord eq '3' ) && defined($$match_index2) && @drtvs3 )
                $drtvs3[$$match_index2] = { $edtvalue => $edvalue };
            elsif ( ( $type_errord eq '2' ) && !defined($$error_typeer_edadd) )
                my $match_index3;
                if   ( $#drtvs3 >= 0 ) { $match_index3 = $#drtvs3 + 1; }
                else                   { $match_index3 = 0; }
                print "99999 $match_index3 $#drtvs3 ";
                $drtvs3[$match_index3] = { $edtvalue => $edvalue };
            elsif (( $type_errord eq '1' )
                && defined($$match_index2)
                && @drtvs3 )
                delete( @drtvs3[$$match_index2] );
            else { exit; }
            foreach my $vh ( $conf->section('VirtualHost') ) {
                if ( $vh->directive('ServerName')->value eq $nameserver ) {
                    while ( $vh->directive('ErrorDocument') ) {
                    for my $loopindex2 ( 0 .. $#drtvs3 ) {
                        for my $key4 ( keys %{ $drtvs3[$loopindex2] } ) {
                            my $value_er       = $drtvs3[$loopindex2]{$key4};
                            my $setvalue_error = "$key4 $value_er";
                                ErrorDocument => $setvalue_error );

        else {
            $templ_value{'ed_error'} =
                $$error_type         ne '1' ? (0)
              : $$error_type         ne '1' ? (0)
              : $$error_typeer       ne '1' ? (0)
              : $$error_typeer_edadd ne '1' ? (0)
              :                               (1);

    $template->param( ED_ERROR_VALUEDOC => $$error_typedoc );
    $template->param( ED_ERROR_TYPEDOC  => $$error_type );
    $template->param( ED_ERROR_NO_USE   => $$error_typeer );
    $template->param( ED_ERROR_IN_USE   => $$error_typeer_edadd );
    $template->param( ED_ERROR          => $templ_value{'ed_error'} );
    my @arrayedout;
    my @arrayedout2;
    my @er_array = (
        100, 101, 200, 201, 202, 203, 204, 205, 206, 300, 301, 302, 303, 304,
        305, 400, 401, 402, 403, 404, 405, 406, 407, 408, 409, 410, 411, 412,
        413, 414, 415, 500, 501, 502, 503, 504, 505
