Anybody try LoraWAN on FreeBSD?

I am interested in LoRa and LoRaWAN.
Do you have any LoRa experiences on FreeBSD?

Can any experts out there tell me if this will compile on FreeBSD? Maybe possible with slight massaging?

I really dunno if all the radios are cross compatible...
I see several that I want to checkout. In US we use 915mhz

Many seem to be from Miner card products like Helium and Nebulus.

I guess they were mining bitcoins in networks. I don't understand that use case.

I would like to try a Lora Gateway and connect a Freebsd box to that for starters.

Alot of these non branded boxes on ebay at the same price range.
It does seem like a lot of infrastructure.

This seems to show some interconnect between radios on this LoraWAN server implementation.

I guess the safest bet would be two Lora gateways tied to FreeBSD on each end.
Start with identical radios get it working and then try to get other devices to join the private network.
Test the range for my area.