ansible semaphore not working

We are looking at ansible semaphore at work, and since I run ansible at home, I figured I would give it a try here on my mostly FreeBSD network. I am running ansible version 2.15.6_1, and installed semaphore 2.9.2_9, so the current available versions. This is running in a jail as well. Unfortunately, I have found a dearth of documentation online that doesn't involve slapping it on linux on docker. So I did the semaphore setup, and configured it for postgresql, set up the other parameters, and got a "you're all set".

Tried to start it, using service semaphore start and it said it started, but a status said it wasn't running. Took an initial glance at the startup script and found that instead of looking for ./config.json, it was looking for /usr/local/etc/semaphore_config.json. So I changed the filename appropriately. Still would not start. I started it using
semaphore server --config /usr/local/etc/semaphore/semaphore_config.json &. Le sigh.

And when I hit the web interface, everything I try to go to on the semaphore host gives me 404 not found. Nothing in the logs, it's as if the data files don't exist.

So I have to ask, since I had to recompile Zabbix server in my poudriere instance to accomodate postgresql, is semaphore configured to run mysql only? Is this the root of my problem?

everything I try to go to on the semaphore host gives me 404 not found.
Tried it some time ago, never got anything other than a 404 too. Seems there's something missing in the port/package but never figured out what. Did find some references in logs, it was looking for some files in root's home directory, which is weird and obviously don't exist. Never quite figured out where this was configured or were the actual files are, they don't seem to be included in the source.