another apache 2.2 problem (userdirs)

Hello again

I am having problem with user dirs and apache22.
Default confs, just removed the comment for userdirs in httpd.conf
Include etc/apache22/extra/httpd-userdir.conf

The problem is that in error-log file I got theese entries
[Tue Feb 03 18:17:55 2009] [error] [client xx.yy.zz.zz] client denied by server configuration: /home/ed/public_html/.htaccess
[Tue Feb 03 18:18:32 2009] [error] [client xx.yy.zz.zz] client denied by server configuration: /home/emo/public_html/.htaccess

When I remove the .htaccess file there are no errors. But if I create even empty .htaccess file there are errors in the log.

Actually url is viewable in browser... But theese errors in log file makes me think that there is something wrong. I dont know this may be bug or I am doing something wrong - but with default configuration it is expected to work "out of the box" :)

this happens on apache 2.2, using 2.0 there are no such errors

edit 2:
solved :))
I had to uncomment
Include etc/apache22/extra/httpd-autoindex.conf
Hahah I remmember that before some time ago I could not figured this out thats why degraded to apache2.0 instead 2.2

edit 3: sorry for bothering you with stupid questions...
permission under Apache22

In httpd.conf, httpd-autoindex.conf and httpd-userdir.conf have been commented out.
However I cannot access any page:
[Tue Mar 31 15:10:19 2009] [error] [client] client denied by server configuration: /home/tyu/dev/updates/licenseCheck.php

[tyu@vh15 wwwlogs]$ ls -l ~/dev/updates/licenseCheck*
-r--r--r-- 1 www wr_webroot 9798 Feb 9 12:01 /home/tyu//dev/updates/licenseCheck.php

What should be done next ?
It complains about server configuration (in other words: something in, or included in, httpd.conf), not about file permissions.