Anecdotal Wayland plus

As some of us have gotten into Wayland discussions recently, I thought I'd ask if anyone else has had my experience. This is with a T495 Ryzen7 3200U. On occasion, I hook it up to the TV, usually if I'm doing an exercise video. I usually use X and flux or openbox. However,
with both Fedora and FreeBSD, the videos start getting choppy, for example a movement will speed up for a few frames, making stepping left to right look as if it's done at superspeed.

I recently tried both FreeBSD and Fedora but used Wayland and labwc as my window manager. The videos were noticeably smoother.
So, I'm just wondering if this matches anyone else's experience or is it a Just Me(TM) thing. (I should mention that I still greatly prefer X---the connecting laptop to TV to watch videos is something that I don't do very often.)
one of the goals of wayland is every frame should be perfect
that may account for the smoother playback of videos

mpv works a treat on freebsd running wayland
By the way, anyone into Wayland should check out NapoleonWils0n's videos on youtube. He has a few, including detailed explanation of dwl, which is probably also useful to people doing dwm. (For those who don't know and do care, dwm is the OG tiling manager for X, and dwl is a Wayland version.)
My videos are not choppy on X11.

Chances are that your difference is buffering related, aka the different backend drivers do different buffering.
That's quite possible. All videos are fine on the laptop itself, just when I hook up the laptop to the TV. My workstation, a much older machine, is fine with X11.
I didn't know that. However, I just installed wireplumber and wpctl kept segfaulting, so, at least on my hardware it is (still necessary). Thanks for the information though, as my page currently says FreeBSD doesn't have wireplumber. I'll update it shortly.