And the 8th day for all : A Call for FreeBSD Artwork

There's a A Call for FreeBSD Artwork Sticky Thread in General Forum
And here is some Royal Comical Quote from there:

* Because in some countries radicals think it's the devil and people do not want the devil running their computers.
* Some people are offended by cartoon devils. So in the interest of appealing to the widest possible audience, FreeBSD chose to play down 'beasty'.

Definition 7 : We are a Artistic/Technological Group
Theorem 13 : We are going to designing Splash Screen IFF {(Unknown ~(Artistic/Technological Group)) Approve it}
Proof : 1 = 1 <=> 1+x = 1+y <=> x=y => FreeBSD chose to play down 'beasty'
Explanation: (IFF) If and only IF - (~)Logical NOT
Important: This Initiative Mathematical Theorem was designed with full respect to Forums && Off-Topic Forum Rules